
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Lowassa says will solve Dar water blues in 48 days

Lowassa says will solve Dar water blues in 48 days
Daily News
UNION presidential candidate from CHADEMA, representing the Coalition of Four Opposition Political Parties, UKAWA, Mr Edward Lowassa, addresses a campaign rally at New Mbezi Mwisho Bus Stand at Kibamba in Dar es Salaam yesterday. (Photo by Our ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

New DAWASCO boss vows to end Dar water blues

New DAWASCO boss vows to end Dar water blues
Daily News
THE newly appointed Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCO) Managing Director, Cyprian Luhemeja, has vowed to improve water supply in many parts of the city. In his first meeting with the corporation's staff held over the weekend, ...


9 years ago


ACT pledges to solve water problem

 When asked where his party plans to get funds for  the RWA project, Zitto said, his party once in power, would take one percent of the national Value Added Tax (VAT).


11 years ago


MP plans protest over water blues

Residents of Ubungo Constituency will hold a demonstration to State House to see President Jakaya Kikwete if the water problem facing them is not given a solution by the end of the budget session starting this week.


10 years ago

Daily News

Water blues for Kiwimba, Nisungwi to end

Water blues for Kiwimba, Nisungwi to end
Daily News
GOVERNMENT on Friday reaffirmed its commitment to supply water to villages under the Kahama-Shinyanga water project to alleviate acute water shortages facing residents of Kwimba and Misungwi districts. Deputy Minister for Water, Mr Amos Makalla told ...


5 years ago

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

UN couples international observance days for water and meteorology to raise profile of climate issue

UN couples international observance days for water and meteorology to raise profile of climate issue  Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre


10 years ago


Registration: Dar gets 4 more days

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has extended the biometric voters registration (BVR) in Dar es Salaam for four more days.


10 years ago


four days to go before basket mouths it off in Dar es salaam

Only a four days remaining before Africa's King of Standup Comedy sets foot in Tanzania for the very first time!! It's a show NOT to be missed.


9 years ago


Dar water charges up by 50pc

Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (Dawasco) has raised water tariffs by 50 per cent.


10 years ago


Dar water shortage persists

>Most parts of Dar es Salaam continued to experience a serious water shortage that some said lasted for nearly two weeks now, even in areas where there was rationing.



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