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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Lowassa told to declare his support for Magufuli

Dodoma. CCM stalwart Pancras Ndejembi has challenged Monduli MP and former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa to publicly declare his support for the ruling party’s presidential candidate, Dr John Magufuli.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Migiro and Amina Ali declare support for Magufuli

Migiro and Amina Ali declare support for Magufuli
Daily News
AMBASSADOR Amina Salum Ali and Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, who made it to the top three in the CCM presidential race here, promised to remain royal to the party and support Dr John Magufuli as the party's candidate in the coming general elections.
Kingunge opposes CC aspirant selectionIPPmedia

all 7


9 years ago


Chadema, CUF told to support own aspirants

Chadema national acting secretary general Salum Mwaimu, has told Chadema and CUF members to stop bickering and concentrate on floating its own aspirants.


10 years ago


Women entrepreneurs to get more support, summit told

Women were yesterday the big winners at Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) 2015 as US President Barack Obama announced over KSh100 billion to support women entrepreneurs.


10 years ago


Support small industries, Sido told

>The Small Industries Development Organisation (Sido) should address issues that still hinder its efforts to support small-scale industries. “Sido has a major role to play to ensure that the country’s vision 2025 is achieved,” said Industry and Trade minister Abdallah Kigoda.


10 years ago

Daily News

Presidential fund told to support common people

Presidential fund told to support common people
Daily News
PRESIDENTIAL Trust Fund (PTF) has been urged to develop multiple streams of income that will be used in generating money for lending the common citizens in the country. Minister of State in the President's Office, Relations and Coordination, Mary Nagu, ...


10 years ago

The Star

EAC States Told to Support Free Movement of Workers

EAC States Told to Support Free Movement of Workers
The Star
East Africa Community states have been urged to abolish the issuance of work permits to workers in the member states as it contravenes the 2010 Common Market protocol signed in Arusha. Speaking at a Nairobi hotel yesterday during a workshop on free ...


11 years ago


Dar group declares support for Lowassa

Dar group declares support for Lowassa
Some members of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in Dar es Salaam yesterday condemned the ongoing conflicts within their party, saying it was due to list for power. They maintained that those pointing fingers at former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa were ...


10 years ago


CUF: Our support for Lowassa won’t change

Mr Seif Sharif Hamad has declared that his party will not back down on the opposition coalition’s campaign


9 years ago


Sokoine daughter loses Lowassa’s support in bid

Chadema Presidential candidate Edward Lowassa yesterday introduced to Monduli residents as he asked them to vote for Mr Julius Kalanga who is vying for Monduli constituency through Chadema.



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