
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Make it easy for all to vote

Reports that the blind will vote in next month’s General Election using special Braille ballots is good news and a step in the right direction as far as the growth of democracy in our country is concerned.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Make travel easy, EAC urged

Infrastructure should be improved in the East African Community (EAC) to ease the movement of labour and goods, the bloc’s stakeholders say. By doing so, the EAC integration will speed up.


11 years ago


Try this simple and easy to make spaghetti dish

In this dish, a mushroom and vegetable sauce is combined with spaghetti to make a healthy, simple meal that is quick and easy to prepare.


9 years ago


Make our voting easy, the disabled demand

People with disabilities in Ukerewe District have asked the national Electoral Commission (NEC) to set a friendly environment that would allow them to cast votes without problems on October 25.


10 years ago


New Music: Ne-Yo aachia wimbo mpya ‘Make It Easy’

Muimbaji wa R&B kutoka Marekani, Shaffer Chimere Smith maarufu kwa jina la Ne-Yo, ametoa wimbo mwingine kutoka kwenye album yake ijayo “Non-Fiction”. Wimbo mpya uliotoka Jan.7 unaitwa “Make It Easy”. “Non-Fiction” ni album ya sita ya muimbaji huyo ambayo mwanzo ilipangwa kutoka 2014, lakini sasa inatarajiwa kutoka Jan.27.


5 years ago

The Next Web

5 easy stretch routines to make working from home more bearable

5 easy stretch routines to make working from home more bearable  The Next Web


9 years ago


Tanzania moves to make it easy to access official data

Tanzania is preparing an Open Data Policy that will guide the country on how to obtain and use data, according to President Jakaya Kikwete. The policy, which is expected to be in place in six months, will develop procedures to identify the government’s open data, an institutional framework for open data management, a single window and where the public can access data. Procedures for uploading and updating data will also be defined.


10 years ago


Cut foreign aid budget to make some easy savings
Cut foreign aid budget to make some easy savings
It is about time too. You don't need the Chancellor's brains or instinct for saving taxpayers' money to realise that we should not be paying for trapeze lessons in Tanzania or funding governments that already have their own space programmes. However ...


5 years ago

The Sun

Woman shares her ‘foolproof’ doughnut recipe showing how easy it is to make them from scratch at home

Woman shares her ‘foolproof’ doughnut recipe showing how easy it is to make them from scratch at home  The SunView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago

Gama Appeals

Make Sure Aliens Do Not Vote

Make Sure Aliens Do Not Vote - Gama Appeals
Moshi — Kilimanjaro region is bracing for Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) as authorities take extra care to ensure no foreigners are enrolled for the forthcoming general elections in which Tanzanians have been urged to enter and come out as one.



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