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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Make the best of qatar scheme for youth jobs

 It is fashionable, nowadays, to refer to youth unemployment as a ticking time bomb. The analogy is scaring because a bomb is lethal, for it leaves death and destruction in its wake when it detonates.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Youth Benefit From Airtel Empowerment Scheme

Youth Benefit From Airtel Empowerment Scheme
Airtel Tanzania through its newly launched 'Airtel Fursa' programme has handed over equipment worth 10m/-to Elizabeth Mbugi who sells fruits in Dar es Salaam. Ms Mbugi, who resides in Msasani, Dar es Salaam is the first youth to benefit from this program ...


11 years ago


Focus on jobs for youth

Despite politically motivated rhetoric that Tanzania’s economy is growing at a significant pace, the number of youth without jobs is still alarming. By 2011, the unemployment rate was at 10.7 per cent, a slight drop from 11.7 per cent in 2007. A survey by an NGO, Restless Development, also reveals that only 14 per cent of over 1,000 youth in Tanzania have wages to speak of.


11 years ago


Katiba member wants jobs for youth

>Constituent Assembly (CA) member Beatrice Shelukindo has suggested that the new Constitution should contain provisions that assure the youth of employment.


10 years ago


70,000 jobs for youth in three years

>At least 70,000 self-employment chances were created for marginalised youth in the past three years in the country through a programme under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) dubbed ‘kazi nje nje.’


9 years ago


Offer learning by doing to assure youth of jobs

The call made at the weekend by the founder of an Arusha-based institute, Mr Francis Brochon, that technical education should be practical rather than theoretical is most appropriate.


10 years ago


Jobs, sex, money are youth’s top priorities

>Jobs, sex and money top the list of what African youth, including Tanzanian, want most, according to a report published by the Mail & Guardian Africa.


11 years ago


600 brick making machines offerred to create jobs for youth

600 brick making machines offerred to create jobs for youth
Valued at almost 300m/-, over 600 brick making machines have being donated as part of ongoing efforts to create employment opportunities for youth countrywide. The donation is from the National Housing Corporation (NHC) which is undertaking major ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Pinda akutana na kiongozi wa kampuni ya gesi ya Qatar na kutembelea eneo la ujenzi wa bandari mpya ya Qatar.


Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akisalimiana na Bw.  Otty Msuku  ambaye ni Mtanzania ,  Mtalaamu wa upimaji ardhi katika mradi wa ujenzi wa bandari mpya ya Qatar  wakati alipotembelea eneo la ujenzi wa bandari hiyo akiwa katika ziara ya kikazi nchini humo Desemba 22, 2014. Katikati ni Mkurugenzi mwendeshaji wa Mradi huo, Don Morrison. (Picha na Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu).


Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akikaribishwa na Naibu Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Mradi wa Mradi wa ujenzi wa bandari mpya ya Qatar, Bw. Yusuf...


10 years ago


Qatar 2022: Qatar yapinga madai ya Amnesty

Qatar imepinga madai ya Amnesty International kuwa inawadhulumu wafanyikazi wanaojenga viwanja



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