
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Medical officers’ word to barber shops, clients

Use of unsterilized or poorly cleaned shaving tools can lead to the spread of HIV/Aids and other communicable diseases from the infected clients to others, according to a recent survey.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Guardian

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time  The Guardian


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago


Calling all Medical and Dental professionals and non-medical compassionate people!

Calling all Medical and Dental professionals and non-medical compassionate people!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to practice medicine in a remote village in a third world country where you would rely on your skills, observation and your gut instinct?  Join us as we travel to Tanzania, Africa, to provide medical assistance in a humanitarian effort in May 18-28, 2015.   Teri Priebe and Becky Van Renan will escort this important mission.  The approximate all-inclusive land price...


11 years ago


FEATURE: Maria Shaibu, a lady barber

>It’s a rare treat, to see a woman in barbershop and not for a haircut but to get down to work. But for Mariam Shaibu, an employee of Bethel Barbershop located at Sinza, cutting men’s hair is the source of her daily bread.


5 years ago

Chronicles 99

Global Camera System Market Analysis 2020 Stryker Endoscopy, Fentex Medical, Aesculap, Smith & Nephew, Shenzhen China Medical

Global Camera System Market Analysis 2020 Stryker Endoscopy, Fentex Medical, Aesculap, Smith & Nephew, Shenzhen China Medical  Chronicles 99


11 years ago


Vodacom apologises to clients for outage

Subscribers with Vodacom Tanzania could not be able to make voice calls, use the internet and do money transfers in the morning yesterday (Wednesday), creating a lot of hassles to those that urgently needed such services.


10 years ago


Be watchful, clients of city banks warned

 If you want to withdraw large sums of money, think twice before you head for an upmarket centre.


10 years ago


Your cash is safe, NBC tells clients

The National Bank of Commerce (NBC) said yesterday that no single cent from its customers’ deposits has been lost following a fire scare that disrupted operations at its headquarters on Wednesday.


11 years ago


Bank launches insurance for clients’ money

Advans Bank Tanzania has launched an insurance cover to protect its customers with savings and loans at the bank.



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