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Meeting to focus on E.Africa gas, oil finds

Major gas discoveries in Tanzania and prospects for oil find will be among topics for discussion during the fourth East African Oil and Gas Summit slated for February 10 to 12 in Nairobi.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Africa’s oil & gas sector continues to show substantial growth, despite regulatory uncertainty and corruption, according to PwC Review


-PwC’s ‘Africa oil & gas review’ analyses what has happened in the last 12 months in the oil & gas industry within the major African markets

The challenges facing oil & gas companies operating in Africa continue to be diverse and numerous fuelled by fraud, corruption, theft, poor infrastructure and a lack of skilled resources, among others. Regulatory uncertainty and delays in passing laws are severely inhibiting sector development in many countries around the continent. “Some key players...


10 years ago


Tanzania banks prepare to benefit from finds of huge gas deposits

Commercial banks in Tanzania are expecting to benefit from ongoing discoveries of natural gas.


11 years ago


Yes, Be cautious on oil, gas

A report on oil and gas in East Africa released by Deloitte on Monday suggests that Tanzania risks losing on the lucrative oil and gas sector.


10 years ago


Scholarships Oil and Gas

Since 2011 the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), specifically the Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) of Norway and the Angolan University of Agostinho Netto are collaborating under the ANTHEI project to train professionals for petroleum engineering and geosciences at Masters level. Already three batches of a total of 28 Tanzanian students have been enrolled under the program. In this program the students spend...


9 years ago


Oil and gas profits could take a decade

Tanzanians will have to wait longer before they start benefiting from revenues generated from the explored natural gas, Tanzania Development and Production International (TDPI) country manager, Mr Oystein Michelsen said yesterday.


10 years ago


Only gas, oil can save trees

The government recently gave two Arusha-based factories a three-month ultimatum to stop using fuel wood in their production.


10 years ago


Women eye gas and oil boon

Tanzanian women have vowed to take advantage of the ongoing natural gas discoveries to form companies that will take part in various business aspects that are linked to the newfound wealth.


9 years ago


Review oil, gas laws: call

The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) has asked Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa to spearhead the push for amendment of oil and gas legislation passed by Parliament in July to enhance transparency and accountability in the extractive industries.



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