
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


‘Milk drinking’ drive launched

A campaign to promote the habit of drinking milk among Tanzanians has been launched.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Let’s promote milk drinking

The day, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), provides an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to publicise activities connected with milk and the milk industry.


10 years ago


Let’s support this drive, let’s drink our own milk

Milk consumption is still very low in our country. Available data shows that on average, every Tanzanian consumes only 42 litres of milk per year, contrary to the World Health Organisation’s recommended amount of 200 litres.


10 years ago


Public drive launched on share trading

A sustained and holistic educational and awareness campaign is being undertaken to ensure that many citizens are made aware of the opportunities of capital markets and securities.


10 years ago


Drive to end child marriage launched

>One in every four women under the age of 19 has become a mother and around 20 per cent of girls of the same age have been married off against their will.


10 years ago


Milk production ‘too low’

Morogoro. Milk production and marketing puzzle continues to haunt the country as only 30 per cent of potentials are being utilised, while per capita milk consumption is a mere quarter of global standard of milk consumption.


9 years ago


Huge milk imports cause concern

Milk processors are concerned about an influx of imported dairy products, saying they are hurting their businesses.


10 years ago


Peter Okoye (P-Square) apata shavu la ubalozi wa Olympic Milk

Mmoja wa mapacha wa kundi la P-Square, Peter Okoye amechaguliwa kuwa balozi wa Olympic Milk. Dili hilo linadaiwa kuwa la mamilioni ya naira. Hii ni mara ya kwanza kwa mmoja wa ndugu hao kusaini mkataba wake mwenyewe kwakuwa mikataba mingi husaini pamoja. Wafuatiliaji wa burudani nchini Nigeria wanahisi hiyo inaweza kuwa ni dalili ya kutokuwepo […]


9 years ago


Breast milk banks tackle high infant mortality in S. Africa

Patrick, a premature baby weighing a minuscule 1.2 kilos (2.65 pounds), was "saved" by a breast milk bank in South Africa, where child mortality is high despite being the continent's most developed economy.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Are YOU drinking enough water?


It’s shaping up to be another summer of record-breaking high temperatures and the news media is beginning to sound like a broken record, too – over and over again we’re reminded to keep ourselves well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. But it’s an important message – not just during a heat wave, but also throughout the year because water serves so many critical functions in the body.

I’m sure you will agree that there’s nothing more refreshing than a nice ice-cold glass of water. Despite...



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