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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Minister stresses importance of paying taxes

Daily News
Minister stresses importance of paying taxes
Daily News
AWARENESS among eligible taxpayers on the need to comply with revenue collection parameters can reduce dependence on budget support from donor communities. As a result, the government will be able to fulfil its obligation on enhanced development of ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Why many Tanzanians now avoid paying taxes

>Two out of every 10 Tanzanians simply refused to pay tax between 2011 and 2013, it has emerged. According to a new Afrobarometer study, the number of self-reported levels of non-compliance are far higher in Tanzania than in the other 29 sub-Saharan countries surveyed.


11 years ago


Importance of Trademark in Business Industry

Importance of Trademark in Business Industry
ALTHOUGH Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar are united in many areas such as foreign affairs, local trademark legislation is not a union matter. Each country has its own local trademark legislation. Since foreign affairs is a union matter, international treaties ...


10 years ago


JK: Govt recognises importance of journalism

>The government recognises the importance of good journalism and is keen to improve the environment for media operations, President Jakaya Kikwete said yesterday here.


11 years ago


Experts note importance of playtime

Does your child have to wake up long before daybreak to catch the bus and make it to school and then stay up late in the evening to come?


11 years ago


Importance of work-life balance and the law

Nowadays it is common to hear people talk of work-life balance, some even organise seminars on the same topic just to let people understand the importance of worklife balance in this fast and busy world where people are busy working either voluntarily to achieve their own goals or work because their employers or clients are demanding a lot from them.


11 years ago


Integrity in elections of crucial importance in politics

Integrity in elections of crucial importance in politics
Stakeholders were of the view that there has been violence against women in the society including the use of abusive languages which is not in the observation reports. To most people integrity refers to incorruptibility or a firm adherence to a code of moral ...


10 years ago


Give education due importance: appeal

 Parents have been urged to put education for their children as number one priority when setting their budgets because that is what will serve as best inheritance to them


11 years ago


Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local ...

Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local ...
To ensure accountability and prevention of mismanagement of public funds, the government has been forced to dismiss, suspend warn or otherwise punish a good number of its servants. Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and ...
Govt eyes electronic revenue collection by year 2015Daily News

all 2


11 years ago

The Official Government News Portal Of Sri Lanka

Tanzanian Foreign Minister meets Minister Basil Rajapaksa

Colombo Gazette
Tanzanian Foreign Minister meets Minister Basil Rajapaksa
The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka
Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade C-operation, Bernard K Membe, presently in Sri Lanka on a tree day visit, met with the Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa on Monday ( 21) and had discussions on strengthening ...
The Tanzanian foreign minister meets the PresidentSLBC
* Tanzania looks forward to further strengthening bilateral ties...



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