
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why many Tanzanians now avoid paying taxes

>Two out of every 10 Tanzanians simply refused to pay tax between 2011 and 2013, it has emerged. According to a new Afrobarometer study, the number of self-reported levels of non-compliance are far higher in Tanzania than in the other 29 sub-Saharan countries surveyed.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Minister stresses importance of paying taxes

Daily News
Minister stresses importance of paying taxes
Daily News
AWARENESS among eligible taxpayers on the need to comply with revenue collection parameters can reduce dependence on budget support from donor communities. As a result, the government will be able to fulfil its obligation on enhanced development of ...


11 years ago


Tanzanians should prepare for more, new taxes

Tanzanians should brace themselves for paying more taxes as the government plans to increase its spending this year by nearly Sh2 trillion compared with what is earmarked for the current financial year, The Citizen on Sunday has reliably learnt.


10 years ago

Daily News

Avoid dirty politics, Tanzanians urged

Daily News
Avoid dirty politics, Tanzanians urged
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to honour the founding father of the nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, by embracing patriotm and avoid politics that preaches hatred. The Minter of State in the President's Office -- Coordination and Relations, Mr Stephen ...


9 years ago


Tanzanians Urged to Avoid Dirty Politicians

Tanzanians Urged to Avoid Dirty Politicians
As the country nears general election, Tanzanians have been urged to be extra careful with politicians applying dirty politics especially voter cards buying strategy. They have been advised to shun candidates applying the technique, as it denies them ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

OUTERNET — Using Internet Without Paying Anything!


Now this would be fantastic. You’ll be able to get your e-mails anywhere & everywhere!

A dream about to come true


Forget the Internet – soon there will be the OUTERNET: Company plans to beam free Wi-fi to every person on Earth from space

An ambitious project known as Outernet is aiming to launch hundreds of miniature satellites into low Earth orbit by June 2015

Each satellite will broadcast the Internet to phones and computers giving billions of people across the globe free online...


10 years ago


Guinea paying Ebola compensation

The head of Guinea's Ebola mission says the government has started paying compensation to the families of health workers who have died of the virus.


9 years ago


Uchumi to continue paying salaries

Workers of the debt-ridden Kenyan retailer, Uchumi Supermarkets will continue receiving their monthly salaries even after the chain announced it has closed business in Tanzania.


10 years ago


The Egyptians paying the price of protest

Egyptians who risk punishment for daring to demonstrate


10 years ago

Daily News

Coast RC against paying for ambulance fuel

Daily News
Coast RC against paying for ambulance fuel
Daily News
COAST Regional Commissioner, Ms Mwantumu Mahiza has called on the public to stop paying for fuel for ambulances when their relatives are referred to Tumbi hospital or any district hospital. Ms Mahiza gave the directive here on Monday evening after ...



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