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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


More women urged to take political challenges

More women urged to take political challenges
Daily News
WOMEN in Zanzibar have formed 'election committee' to develop practical resources and tools to support women who may be interested in contesting in the upcoming general elections. Briefing participants in the dialogue about 'Itinerary for the Women wings ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Women Urged to Take Up Political Leadership

Women Urged to Take Up Political Leadership
Zanzibar — MANY people are eager to see the number of women leaders in political positions increase. With that in mind that is why Civil Society Organisations have been doing all the best to encourage women to contest in the October elections. 'Zanzibar ...


10 years ago


Judge me from my track record, Zitto challenges political rivals

Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) leader Zitto Kabwe says Tanzanians should judge him from what he has done for the country, and not what his detractors have been saying about him.


10 years ago


Judiciary urged to prepare adequately for electoral challenges

Judiciary urged to prepare adequately for electoral challenges
Judges of the Appeals Court have been called upon to prepare themselves adequately to meet the challenges associated with post poll petitions as the General Election draws nearer. “Come October 25, it will be Tanzania's turn. Gauged by the flair, pomp ...
Remain impartial for free, fair elections - electoral bodies urgedDaily News

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10 years ago

Daily News

Civil servants urged to brace for civic poll challenges

Civil servants urged to brace for civic poll challenges
Daily News
CIVIL servants working under the Mintry of Regional Admintration and Local Government meeting here for three days, have been urged to prepare themselves for challenges likely to crop up as the country moves towards a series of political elections.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Ex-president on challenges for women

Former Malawi president Joyce Banda has been speaking about the challenges faced by women at the 100Women conference in London.


9 years ago


Political leaders urged to advocate peace

The Registrar of political parties Judge Francis Mutungi, yesterday called upon political party leaders to use the political influence they have on their followers and members to advocate peace countrywide ahead of the General Election.


10 years ago

Daily News

Women mark special day amid challenges

Women mark special day amid challenges
Daily News
THE world marks International Women's Day today with a passionate appeal for allocation of the resources needed to fund women's ministries, gender commissions, gender focal points and gender-responsive budgeting. In his message to mark the ...


10 years ago


People urged to beware religion as political tool

While Tanzanians are preparing themselves for the forthcoming civic elections to be followed by the General Election next year, politicians have been warned to stop using places of worship and clerics for political gain.


9 years ago


Tanzanian political parties urged to obey electoral law

Tanzanian political parties urged to obey electoral law
The Mozambican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Oldemiro Baloi has urged the political parties in Tanzania to respect the law and adhere to the electoral code of conduct during the general elections scheduled for 25 October, APA learns here ...
SADC calls for free, fair electionsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Southern Africa: SADC Calls for Free, Fair

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