
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Political leaders urged to advocate peace

The Registrar of political parties Judge Francis Mutungi, yesterday called upon political party leaders to use the political influence they have on their followers and members to advocate peace countrywide ahead of the General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Hats, batons, walking sticks: soft features of leaders leaders op political leaders

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10 years ago

Daily News

More women urged to take political challenges

More women urged to take political challenges
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WOMEN in Zanzibar have formed 'election committee' to develop practical resources and tools to support women who may be interested in contesting in the upcoming general elections. Briefing participants in the dialogue about 'Itinerary for the Women wings ...


10 years ago


Women Urged to Take Up Political Leadership

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People urged to beware religion as political tool

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11 years ago

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Coastal leaders reject political incitement

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Coastal leaders reject political incitement
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10 years ago

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10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Let us talk about issues, not our political leaders

Two events took place on the political scene on Tuesday--Edward Lowassa’s nomination as the presidential candidate for a coalition of four serious opposition parties and the fact that the ruling party’s candidate for president, Dr John Magufuli, picked nomination forms from the National Electoral Commission (NEC).


9 years ago


Tanzanian political parties urged to obey electoral law

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