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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Msuya endorses Membe in CCM nomination race

Former prime minister says he hopes CCM would settle on the minister as its flag-bearer in the October 25 General Elections


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


CCM presidential aspirant defeated in parliamentary nomination race.

CCM presidential aspirant defeated in parliamentary nomination race.
Outgoing Special Seats MP from Kilimanjaro Region Betty Machangu has lost her battle to retain the post to a new comer identified as Shally Raymond. Ms Machangu collected 409 votes as opposed to 504 votes collected by her rival. Announcing the results ...


10 years ago


Mahiga makes low-key entry into the CCM nomination race

Respected diplomat announces his entry in Dar es Salaam as a farmer turns up to collect forms in Dodoma minus the mandatory Sh1 million fee


10 years ago


VP now endorses Membe for Ikulu

Addressing Tanzania’s ambassadors in Dar es Salaam at the end of their three-day meeting, Zanzibar Second Vice President Seif Ali Idd wished Mr Membe a safe journey to State House, and said he would be with him all the way


10 years ago


Tanzanian ruling party's presidential nomination race under way

Capital FM Kenya
Tanzanian ruling party's presidential nomination race under way
DAR ES SALAAM A former prime minister will open his campaign for the ruling party's presidential nomination this weekend, an aide said on Wednesday, beginning the race to be next leader of Tanzania. The Chama Cha Mapinduzi party has ruled the east ...
Dar Envisages Vibrant
JK wants envoys to support national economyIPPmedia
Tanzania picks October date for presidential voteYahoo News

all 41...


10 years ago


Msuya aangukia kwa Membe

Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bernard MembeBAADA ya aliyewahi kuwa waziri katika wizara mbalimbali awamu ya kwanza, George Kahama kutangaza hadharani kumuunga mkono Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bernard Membe kuteuliwa na chama chake kugombea Urais, naye Waziri Mkuu wa zamani, David Msuya amejitokeza hadharani kumuunga mkono Waziri Membe.


10 years ago


Fallout within Tanzania’s ruling party as former prime minister is eliminated from nomination race

The central committee of the ruling party, CCM, finished its meeting at midnight and came up with five names that would be seconded to the national executive committee for voting today, Saturday.


10 years ago


CCM Endorses Magufuli to Take Over From Kikwete

CCM Endorses Magufuli to Take Over From Kikwete
Dodoma — Newly elected CCM candidate for the presidency, Dr John Pombe Magufuli says he will be "a servant of the people" in his acceptance speech he delivered yesterday in Dodoma. Dr Magufuli, 56, spoke of the overwhelming feeling he had to ...
Good CCM show is good for businessDaily News
Dr Magufuli: Unity is key to victory Analysts see need for services of strong ...IPPmedia
Tanzania's ruling party picks works minister for...


10 years ago


Magufuli: Why I stood for CCM nomination

Dr Magufuli said he decided to try his luck after many people asked him to join the race to succeed President Jakaya Kikwete


10 years ago


Why CCM nomination is shrouded in secrecy

Process shrouded in secrecy



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