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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Municipal Social Security scheme touted in Kigoma


Municipal Social Security  scheme touted in Kigoma  

The Kigoma Ujiji Municipal Council (KUMC) has passed an unprecedented motion raised by the constituency MP, Hon Kabwe Zuberi Ruyagwa Zitto, to establish the Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality Social Security Scheme (KUMSSS). This happened on the full council meeting held on 30th January 2016. This motion is the first ever of this kind in Tanzania.

The main purpose is to seeking to extend universal health coverage to the entire population of the...

Zitto Kabwe, MB

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How a social scheme changed lives of Kigoma coffee farmers

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9 years ago


I will work for your social security:Mghwira

ACT-Wazalendo presidential hopeful Anna Mghwira  addressed the residents of Nachingwea stating that securing citizens' social security funds would be top on her priority list if she were voted into office.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security: go farther

>The number of Tanzanians covered by social security schemes remains low more than 50 years after independence. Those employed in the formal sector are the most likely beneficiaries. The majority of people, who are casual workers or self-employed, make do without social security.


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EDITORIAL: Social security push apt

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Why social security schemes can’t invest outside Tanzania

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11 years ago


'MPs must repay social security funds'

'MPs must repay social security funds'
Some Members of Parliament, who are among long standing debtors of some social security funds, may soon be slapped with arrest warrants Deputy Finance minister, Mwigulu Nchemba Labour and Employment minister, Gaudentia Kabaka said yesterday.


10 years ago


Zitto feted for drive on social security

>Kigoma North MP Zitto Kabwe received an award as Africa’s first champion in social security, even as it was announced that more than 43,000 farmers countrywide have now enrolled with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).


9 years ago


Govt cautioned on social security schemes

Govt cautioned on social security schemes
The government has been called upon to review the social security Act promptly if it is to arrest pervasive malpractices in the schemes. The review would also facilitate nabbing of unscrupulous staff working with the schemes who allegedly collude with ...


10 years ago


With greater awareness, social security can be more inclusive

With greater awareness, social security can be more inclusive
A national policy framework was proposed some years ago, with a view to enhancing social security systems and safeguarding children, people with disabilities and people belonging to other vulnerable groups. With the framework yet to be approved, records ...



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