
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


MY TAKE ON THIS: It’s sad migrants’ plight isn’t bothering leaders

>The world is mourning deaths of hundreds of African immigrants who drowned when the boat which they were using to sneak into Europe capsized in Mediterranean Sea. In the wake of the tragic accident, European leaders have promptly met to put their heads together and find a solution to the growing problem.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


VIDEO: EU leaders pledge migrants cash

Council of Europe president Donald Tusk says EU leaders have agreed to triple the funding for their search and rescue operation for migrants.


10 years ago


Hats, batons, walking sticks: soft features of leaders leaders op political leaders

Minus Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan, whose presidential luck run out after losing an election to Muhammad Buhari a little over four months ago, Africa has two reigning, hat-wearing heads of state.


10 years ago


Sad! He should be in school...

From a LIB reader who saw the little boy...

I was on my way to a shop in the market at Eke Awka in Anambra state and I saw this little child sleeping. First thing that came to my mind was that this child is resting after hawking either satchet (pure) water or any other goods he was asked to sell and was sleeping in such an environment, whereas his peers are in the classrooms learning. These are our future leaders and musn't be pass through all these sufferings in this 21st century. Please...


11 years ago


It’s sad that we no longer believe in volunteerism!

We are gratified that the brazen-faced clamour for more money by our Constituent Assembly (CA) members has been dealt with decisively.


10 years ago


The plight of TZ housemaids in Oman

>Tanzania’s embassy in Oman has taken steps to address long-standing complaints from domestic workers hailing from Tanzania.


10 years ago


Address orphans’ plight

Few people are aware of the fact that a child somewhere in the world is orphaned every two seconds. The pandemic of homeless and orphaned children is growing at an astonishing rate, leaving 145 million children orphaned or displaced globally.


10 years ago


Keep politics out of the plight of albinos

It is time we approached the plight of albinos as a crisis that should be pursued on the same scale as a war. People with albinism are not only kidnapped but also mutilated and killed regularly.


11 years ago


It’s sad presidential aspirations criminalised

There is a tendency in Uganda, to personalise matters. Instead of looking at the causes of events and analysing any underlying trends, we are content to focus on the transient and the trivial.


9 years ago


The sad tale of 80-year-old woman

“Had my son been alive, I would have not lived a miserable life like this. Perhaps, I would have been taken abroad for treatment,” these are the words of an approximately 80-year-old woman Aisha Baraka, who has spent most of her time in the last fifteen years lying in a traditional rope-crafted bed, famously known as Teremka Tukaze in Kiswahili.



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