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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


National Service says patriotism first not jobs

National Service says patriotism first not jobs
The National Service Director of Information and Public Relations, Major Emanuel Muruga said they do not guarantee jobs for graduates but stresses much on patriotism, self reliance and vocational training. Major Murrungu's speech follows the recent claims ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


National Budget fails to address shortage of jobs

Three events happened in quick succession last week. On Wednesday night the Karume Mchikichini market in Dar es Salaam burnt down completely leaving hundreds of hawkers, mostly the youth, suddenly jobless.


11 years ago


National service soldiers ‘have case to answer’

Seven former senior officials of the National Service Economic Wing (Suma JKT) have been found with ‘a case to answer’ in charges of abuse of office and illegal transfer of more than Sh3.8 billion.


11 years ago


Budget constraints hinder National Service programmes

Budget constraints hinder National Service programmes
Meager budgets and depleted working gears are the major factors for insufficient performance of youths at National Service and inadequate intakes, top officials assert. The training targeted Form Six leavers as well as graduates from colleges, whose intakes ...


10 years ago


Life at National Service camp By Rama Bhikhabhai

File photo of National Service recruits
at camp - not related to the article My parents had migrated from British India to Tanganyika Territory in 1947. I was born in Dar-es-salaam. Then it was a cultural norm among the Indian society to educate their girls till primary education for 8 years only. As I was very much interested in studying further, I was allowed to go to Indian girls’ secondary school for additional four years to achieve Cambridge School certificate.Tanganyika became...


9 years ago


NEEC, National Service sign youth employment pact

NEEC, National Service sign youth employment pact
The National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) and Tanzania National Service have signed an agreement aimed at addressing unemployment challenges facing the youth in the country. The Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda said during the signing ...
New cooperation pact to boost youth welfareDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 4


9 years ago


Government implored to revert to February National Service intake

Government implored to revert to February National Service intake
The government has being called upon to revert to the former National Service (JKT) February intake instead of the current July-September intakes since those are the months that most students apply for universities. The appeal was made by JKT Director ...


11 years ago


Claims recruits ‘dying’ at national service camps a hoax — Army

Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF) yesterday moved to quell panic among parents whose children are currently undertaking training at various National Service (JKT) camps.


5 years ago

The DC Line

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis  The DC LineHVNP Set to Close to Park Visitors  Big Island NowCoronavirus is closing national parks —but you can still visit them on a virtual tour  CBS NewsThis Virtual Tour of the Carlsbad Caverns Will Entertain You (and Your Kids) for Hours  Travel+LeisureHawaii Volcanoes National Park To Close Due To Pandemic  Big Island Video NewsView Full coverage on Google...



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