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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


NATO warship visits Dar

NATO warship visits Dar-es-Salaam
NATO warship calls on Dar-Es-Salaam NATO's counter-piracy Operation Ocean Shield warship ITS Mimbelli has concluded a port visit to Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, designed to deepen ongoing co-operation with the Tanzanian Navy in an effort to eradicate ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


VIDEO: WW1: The indestructible warship

One hundred years ago, she was the fearsome German warship that ruled the waters of Lake Tanganyika; today she serves as the world's oldest passenger ferry.


10 years ago


Mkapa visits AutoSueco stall at Contractors International Conference exhibition in Dar es Salaam

AutoSueco (VOLVO) Commercial Manager, Mr. Alen Nkya (right) clarifies a point regarding construction equipment, trucks and power generators to former President of Tanzania, Hon. Benjamin Mkapa (centre), Minister of Works, Dr. John Magufuli (left) and other delegates during Contractors International Conference in Dar es Salaam over the weekend.


10 years ago


EU Nafor warship trains with Tanzanian Navy

EU Nafor warship trains with Tanzanian Navy
Tanzanian coast guard personnel training with EU naval forces. On 19 and 20 November, during her recent port visit to Dar Es Salam, EU Naval Force warship BNS Leopold I hosted members of the Tanzanian Navy in support of EUCAP Nestor's initiative to ...


10 years ago


EU Naval Force Warship BNS Leopold I Conducts Maritime Capacity Building ...

EU Naval Force Warship BNS Leopold I Conducts Maritime Capacity Building ...
On 19 and 20 November, during her recent port visit to Dar Es Salam, EU Naval Force warship BNS Leopold I hosted members of the Tanzanian Navy in support of EUCAP Nestor's initiative to conduct Local Maritime Capability Building (LMCB). On the first ...


10 years ago


WILL: Has NATO lost its will as well as its muscle?

>Speaking on Aug. 29 — at a fundraiser, of course — Barack Obama applied to a platitude the varnish of smartphone sociology, producing this intellectual sunburst: “The truth of the matter is,  that the world has always been messy. In part, we’re just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.” So, if 14th-century Europeans had had Facebook and Twitter, they would have noticed...


9 years ago


NATO yaikinga kifua Uturuki

Jumuia ya kujihami ya nchi za magharibi NATO imesema inasimama pamoja na Uturuki baada ya kuitungua ndege ya kivita ya Urusi.


10 years ago


NATO yataka suluhu Macedonia

Viongozi wakuu wa NATO wametoa wito wa kuzuia ghasia zinazoendelea Macedonia kufuatia ghasia zilizozuka mwishoni mwa wiki.


9 years ago


Majeshi ya NATO yawasili Kunduz

Kikosi maalum cha shirika la kujihami la muungano wa mataifa ya Magharibi NATO, kimefika mji wa Kunduz nchini Afghanistan.


10 years ago


NATO yaombwa kusaidia Afrika Magharibi

Ulaya imetoa wito kwa jumuia ya kujihami NATO kusaidia mapambano dhidi ya Ebola Afrika magharibi



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