No favours for locals in gas deals, says JK
>Any hope that Tanzanian investors will receive special treatment in natural gas exploration was dashed again yesterday when President Jakaya Kikwete weighed in, again, in the debate on the place of locals in natural gas exploration. Far from appeasing local entrepreneurs, Mr Kikwete reiterated the government’s stand that there would be no preferential treatment for them.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen15 Jun
Zitto’s party wants locals to own gas
Geita. Alliance for Change and Transparency ((ACT-Wazalendo) party says it would give Tanzanians a constitutional mandate to own minerals, oil and natural gas in its announced plan to create a people centred system of governance.
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Sep
Trade authority to prepare locals for gas economy
 In anticipation of an imminent discovery of commercially viable natural gas, Tanzania Trade Development Authority (Tantrade) is organizing a seminar that will enable locals to exploit opportunities availed by the sector.
10 years ago
TheCitizen06 May
State launches team of negotiators for gas deals
>The Union Government yesterday launched a team of negotiators in all natural gas and oil contracts with international oil companies (IOCs) so as to tap the best deals for the socioeconomic benefit of Tanzania and its people.
9 years ago
TheCitizen09 Oct
Be careful when signing deals with multinationals: oil, gas countries warned
Major African oil, natural gas and mineral producers in Africa, such as Tanzania, have been told to be careful about signing deals with multinational companies whose main agenda is to reap profits.
11 years ago
TheCitizen07 May
Side deals thwart drive to wean Europe off Russian gas
While officials in Brussels were calling for Europe to reduce its dependency on Russian natural gas and negotiate with Moscow as a bloc, Austria was quietly bypassing the European Commission to cut its own bilateral deal on building a pipeline.
10 years ago
Education Minister27 Jun
No special favours for female students
Daily News
THE government has no plans to lower pass marks for female students to facilitate their admission into universities and other higher learning institutions. Education and Vocational Training Minister, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, told the Parliament here yesterday ...
11 years ago
Lake Gas ltd launches an Innovative Product ,Tanzania gets its First Composite Gas Cylinders
LAKE GAS LTD - One of Tanzania’s fastest growing Marketing company, engaged in the importation and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), launched an innovative product – “COMPOSITE CYLINDERS” - the first of its kind in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...
10 years ago
TheCitizen02 Feb
College chief says govt favours degree seekers
>Government subsidy for higher education should be extended to cover those pursuing diplomas instead of confining it to undergraduates.
5 years ago
Reuters07 Apr
After-coronavirus, SE Asia strongly favours crackdown on wildlife trade, says WWF
After-coronavirus, SE Asia strongly favours crackdown on wildlife trade, says WWF ReutersCoronavirus: Putting the spotlight on the global wildlife trade BBC NewsCoronavirus has finally made us recognise the illegal wildlife trade is a public health issue ZME ScienceIt’s not too late to outlaw the wildlife industry South China Morning PostWildlife trade's link to coronaviruses and animal cruelty The Humane Society of the United StatesView Full coverage on Google...
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania