
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


No marijuana use allowed for whatever reasons, govt maintains

Dodoma. The government has maintained that it is against the use of marijuana for medical purposes in the country even as some countries have legalised such narcotics for health reasons.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Washington maintains sanctions on Mugabe

The United States has maintained its sanctions against Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and his inner circle despite the European Union (EU) moves to ease a similar embargo.


10 years ago

Negotiable: 'No War With ...

Mutharika maintains Lake Malawi ownership non

The Maravi Post
Mutharika maintains Lake Malawi ownership non-negotiable: 'No war with ...
Nyasa Times
Malawi President Peter Mutharika has maintained his position that has said the entire Lake Malawi, Tanzania calls Lake Nyasa, which is potentially rich in oil and gas is owned by Malawi, saying there is no need to negotiate the issue. President Mutharika ...
Malawi-Tanzania lake row: issue not negotiable, says President MutharikaThe Maravi Post

all 3


11 years ago


Nyamagana maintains top slot in Std 7 exams

Nyamagana District maintained its pole position in Standard Seven examination results after recording an average pass of 74.6, Mwanza regional education office reported yesterday.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

21 health benefits of “Marijuana”


Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency categorizes marijuana as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medical use, a majority of Americans have thought medical pot should be legal since the late 1990s — and a majority now support recreational legalization as well.

Washington D.C. and 23 states have legalized medical marijuana (that number is 35 states if we count laws with very limited access).

Even the NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse lists medical uses for...


10 years ago


Police Intensify Crackdown On Marijuana

Police Intensify Crackdown On Marijuana
In an intensified operation against drug dealers and consumers, police in Arusha have nabbed five people including a couple with seven bales of bhang also known as marijuana. The arrest last week followed information provided by members of the public to ...


9 years ago

The Hill (Blog)

Tanzania cannot be allowed to be the new front for terrorists

Tanzania cannot be allowed to be the new front for terrorists
The Hill (blog)
In 2013 two British volunteer teachers, Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup – both at the time teenagers – suffered a horrific attack while in Zanzibar, part of Tanzania in East Africa, when two men on motorbikes threw sulphuric acid in their faces. Flown back ...


11 years ago


Jamaica kulegeza sheria kuhusu Marijuana

Serikali ya Jamaica inatafakari upya mpango wa kufanyia mageuzi sheria zake za kukabiliana na matumizi ya dawa za kulevya.


10 years ago


Old voter registration cards won't be allowed

Old voter registration cards won't be allowed - Kikwete
CCM national Chairman President Jakaya Kikwete delivers speech at national level celebrations to mark the ruling part's 38th anniversary held in Songea, Ruvuma Region, yesterday. Old voter registration cards will not be allowed in the October Presidential ...
Kikwete: Vote 'Yes' for new KatibaDaily News

all 3


11 years ago


Florida Democrats may get buzz from medical marijuana

A November ballot measure to legalise marijuana for medicinal use in Florida could have a decidedly political side effect.



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