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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


No Responsibility to Secure Deposits, Says Coop Registrar

East African Business Week
No Responsibility to Secure Deposits, Says Coop Registrar
The New Indian Express
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:The Registrar of Cooperative Societies has finally come out distancing itself from the miscellaneous and welfare cooperatives mobilising deposits by stating that it has no responsibility to secure the amount being deposited in such ...
EALA passes critical BillsEast African Business Week
Regional Cooperatives Law
Cooperatives to Recapture lost...

The New Indian Express

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Strengthening Coop Movement for Improved Growth

Strengthening Coop Movement for Improved Growth
Moshi — On July 4th Tanzanians joined the world to mark International Day of Cooperatives. The day is meant to increase awareness on cooperatives and promote the movement's successes and ideals of international solidarity, economic efficiency ...


9 years ago


Private, public sectors coop more crucial now

Private, public sectors coop more crucial now
Over the last few years Tanzania's economy has been growing at more than five percent each year. Although it has not grown by eight or more percent as required to reach the target of achieving a middle class economy by 2025, the country has not faired ...


10 years ago


Aviation official fails to explain Sh66.5m deposits

>A beneficiary in the Tegeta escrow account scandal was yesterday put to task by the Public Leaders Ethics Tribunal over some Sh66.5 million he received from two private companies.


9 years ago


Magufuli promises to exploit tin deposits in Kagera

Magufuli promises to exploit tin deposits in Kagera
Works minister Dr John Magufuli, CCM's flag bearer in the race for the Tanzanian presidency, addresses an election campaign rally at Gymkhana grounds in Bukoba municipality yesterday. Chama Cha Mapinduzi presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli has ...
Magufuli mourns Muleba CCM civic polls candidateDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 3


10 years ago

Pakistan Observer

Air Chief signs defence coop MoU with Tanzania

Air Chief signs defence coop MoU with Tanzania
Pakistan Observer
Thursday, January 29, 2015 - Islamabad —Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Defence Cooperation with the Government Tanzania on behalf of the Government of ...
Pakistan, Tanzania sign defence cooperation agreementBusiness Recorder

all 2


10 years ago


Tanzania banks prepare to benefit from finds of huge gas deposits

Commercial banks in Tanzania are expecting to benefit from ongoing discoveries of natural gas.


10 years ago


Registrar: Conflicts very disruptive

Conflicts within political parties not only interrupt their growth potential but also tarnish their image in the society especially during this period when the country is heading towards the General Election.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Now you can be a domain registrar with tzNIC!


TzNIC has been carrying accreditation processes whereby capable companies are carefully screened and once approved (accredited) are given the opportunity of registering domains on behalf of tzNIC.  tzNIC has always encouraged clients to register their domains through the accredited registrars. To date May 2015 there are about 43 accredited registrars. The requirements for accredited registrar are; legal registration or incorporation of the organization with a permanent physical address in...


10 years ago


ACT party against registrar's directive

ACT party against registrar's directive
Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) party yesterday rejected Registrar of Political Parties' call to cancel their decision on the planned leadership changes during this years' party general meeting. Judge Francis Mutungi's call to ACT leadership was ...



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