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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Now students ignore private schools

Now students ignore private schools
A new trend shows most students opt for public schools, owners of non-government schools and colleges noted in a meeting with government authorities in Dar es Salaam recently. They said the trend has negative impact on private schools given that the ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Don't ignore culture, private firms told

Don't ignore culture, private firms told
Daily News
PRIVATE companies have been asked to support cultural initiatives for the good of Tanzania. This was said at a news conference covering the eightday Bulabo festival at Bujora in Magu District, Mwanza Region yesterday, by the Director of Bujora Cultural ...


11 years ago


Private schools: We have up to 100000 places

Private schools: We have up to 100000 places
Kassim Majaliwa, a deputy minister of state in the Prime Minister's Office, addresses the media in Dar es Salaam yesterday. (Photo: Omar Fungo). At least 17,442 out of 71, 527 students - 24.3 percent - who qualify for Form Five admission have been left out ...


9 years ago


Tuition fees in private schools ‘unaffordable’

For many years now tuition fees charged by owners of private primary and secondary schools have remained unregulated, thus making owners of private schools do what they like. The area, which has been disputed by both the public and private sectors is fee structure.


10 years ago


Why private vocational schools merit incentives

In what critics might dismiss as a thinly-veiled early campaign geared at paving the way for the ruling CCM to survive the October 25 polls and form the Fifth Phase administration, Minister for Labour and Employment Gaudensia Kabaka told Parliament on Monday that the government envisages creating 500,000 in the 2015/16 financial year.


10 years ago

Daily News

Private schools defend exorbitant fees

Private schools defend exorbitant fees
Daily News
PRIVATE schools have defended their exorbitant tuition fees as inevitable, saying financial institutions were to blame for their high interest loans they extend to investors in the education sector. They have -- through their umbrella body, Tanzania Association ...


10 years ago


Private schools flex muscle against govt directive

Private schools flex muscle against govt directive
Students enrolled in private schools should forget proceeding with Form Three studies should they fail to attain the required pass mark in Form Two national examinations, owners have stated. The Tanzania Association of Managers and Owners of ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Tuition Fees in Private Schools 'Unaffordable'

Tanzania: Tuition Fees in Private Schools 'Unaffordable'
Dar es Salaam — For many years now tuition fees charged by owners of private primary and secondary schools have remained unregulated, thus making owners of private schools do what they like. The area, which has been disputed by both the public and ...


10 years ago


Private schools lobby pushing for tax relief.

Private schools lobby pushing for tax relief.
Tanzania Association of Managers and Owners of Non-government Schools and Colleges (Tamongsco) has called upon the government to waive unfavorable taxes and streamline inefficient exemption granting process in order to enable its members to ...


11 years ago


Our education system will gain if private schools are supported

Our education system will gain if private schools are supported
The recently announced Form Six results for the year 2013 which show the pass rate of over 95% and look too good to be accepted at face value may be a bit controversial. But to some observers they are an indicator that the country's performance in the ...



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