
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Over 120 Licensed Artisanal Miners Allocated Land

Over 120 Licensed Artisanal Miners Allocated Land
Dodoma — THE government has allocated land in Tarime District, including in Nyamongo ward, for at least129 artisanal miners who have mining licences to conduct their activities. This was said in the National Assembly on Wednesday by the Deputy Minister ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


More airlines licensed to land at JNIA

Five airlines were licensed to land at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) in 2014.


10 years ago

Next Fiscal Year

Ludewa Water Project Allocated 400 Million/

Ludewa Water Project Allocated 400 Million/ - Next Fiscal Year
Zanzibar — RESIDENTS of Ludewa will soon get a proper water infrastructure system together with a water treatment plant, following the government allocation of 400m/- in the 2015/16 financial year. The deputy minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, ...
Public urged not to approve incomplete development projectsIPPmedia

all 2


5 years ago


Chemaf halts copper-cobalt plant, shuts artisanal mine site over coronavirus

Chemaf halts copper-cobalt plant, shuts artisanal mine site over coronavirus  ZAWYA


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth and fallacies behind land acquisition

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in land has divided the nation into two main groups—those who views this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.


10 years ago


THOUVENOT: Thailand: Land of smiles, land of ghosts

>From exorcism ceremonies to spirit houses and amulets claiming to make wearers bullet-proof, Thailand is a culture soaked in superstition -- an obsession critics say is holding the nation back.


10 years ago

Daily News

Land officers cautioned on dubious land deals

Land officers cautioned on dubious land deals
Daily News
THE Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Ms Angela Kairuki, has sternly warned land officers in Kilimanjaro Region alleged to be involved in dubious property deals, insisting that any defiance would be squarely dealt ...


10 years ago


Land Ministry all out to evict land intruders, invaders.

Land Ministry all out to evict land intruders, invaders.
The Ministry for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development has announced a non-stop operation to evict land intruders in various localities in Dar es Salaam. The decision follows a series of report linking prominent people, leaders and financially ...


11 years ago


Inside the Kiteto land crisis 2: Greed for land, dirty politics fuel killing fields of Kiteto

Inside the Kiteto land crisis 2: Greed for land, dirty politics fuel killing fields of Kiteto
Last week The Guardian on Sunday brought you a story on the recent land conflict pitting farmers and pastoralists at the Kalikala hamlet in Kiteto District. In this second installment Gerald Kitabu reveals how the unfolding feud led to the killings of more than 10 ...


10 years ago



Na Elvan Stambuli
MWENDO  wa Kiongozi Mkuu wa Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) Wazalendo, Zitto Zuberi Kabwe (pichani) umetafsiriwa kuwa ni wa spidi 160 kutokana na kujawa wasikilizaji katika mikutano yake anayofanya kwenye  mikoa mbalimbali nchini.
Zitto ameshafanya mikutano katika Mikoa ya Ruvuma, Njombe, Morogoro, Shinyanga na Mwanza na mikutano yake imekuwa ikihudhuriwa na wananchi wengi, hivyo kutumia...



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