
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Pension benefits remain intact

Pension benefits remain intact
Daily News
THE Ministry of Labour and Employment has refuted allegations that it had reduced benefits of pensioners. The allegations were made on Wednesday by the Tanzania Teachers' Union (TTU) and the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Trade Union (THTU) ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Termination of contracts, workers’ terminal benefits benefits of employees

There are several ways an employment contract can come to an end. It may be by way of expiry of time as in fixed term contracts, retirement, termination or dismissal.


11 years ago

Daily News

Stop it please; we want our game parks intact

Stop it please; we want our game parks intact
Daily News
THE 1962 American film 'Hatari', shot in Northern Tanzania in 1962 (then still known as Tanganyika), underlined what the international travel and tourism circles had already known – that a jewel of wildlife richness existed in the East African country. Directed ...


10 years ago


Politicians must leave our country intact

Politicians must leave our country intact
Late October this year eligible Tanzanian voters will participate in the country's fifth multiparty general elections by electing the new president, members of Parliament (MPs) and ward councilors. Under principles of free, fair and transparent elections the victory ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Resolve union challenges but keep Republic intact

>The United Republic of Tanzania turned 51 yesterday. That is half a century-plus, a period long enough for a citizen born on day one of the Union to be  a grandparent of primary school-going children.


11 years ago


The benefits of giving

This is the second part of a series of articles on giving. Last week, we articulated that true happiness is in giving. Today, we bring yet another interesting aspect in the giving process. Read on:


11 years ago


Our pension schemes must do much better

We recently reported that only two per cent of the working population is covered by pension schemes. Yes, that’s right. Only two out of every 100 workers have money stashed away to cater for their needs when they retire. We have it on the authority of Deputy Minister for Finance Adam Malima.


10 years ago


Benefits of seaweed farming

Seaweed farming has benefited a lot of people in Zanzibar and creation of a cluster programme has added to the advantages of the farming as attested by Mwajuma Mwinyi, a seaweed farmer who lives in Zanzibar.


10 years ago


Monthly pension is best- NSSF

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has advised employees to demand an improvement in their monthly pension package after finding it safer than a lump sum package one gets upon retirement.


11 years ago


Only 2pc are under pension schemes in TZ

 Only two per cent of the working population in Tanzania is covered by pension schemes -- due to lack of public awareness on the importance of the arrangements for improving people’s welfare.



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