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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The benefits of giving

This is the second part of a series of articles on giving. Last week, we articulated that true happiness is in giving. Today, we bring yet another interesting aspect in the giving process. Read on:


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Benefits of giving to enrich your life

This is the first part of a series of Azim Jamal’s articles on benefits of giving. Read on: It is only in the giving that we receive. If you want happiness, give happiness. If you want wealth, give wealth. If you want love, give love.


11 years ago


Termination of contracts, workers’ terminal benefits benefits of employees

There are several ways an employment contract can come to an end. It may be by way of expiry of time as in fixed term contracts, retirement, termination or dismissal.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 Health Benefits We Get From Sweating

Sweat is our own, free-of-charge air conditioning unit, built inside our skin. It cools down the body so we don’t over-work ourselves and get heat stroke. It keeps us in balance. But what else does it do, and why is it so recommended to ‘work up a sweat’? Well, it may have to do with the following 10 reasons:


1. Did you know that sweat glands help heal wounds?

In recent years, many studies have focused on the rarely researched sweat galnands, especially the eccrine sweat glands. These can...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

21 health benefits of “Marijuana”


Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency categorizes marijuana as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medical use, a majority of Americans have thought medical pot should be legal since the late 1990s — and a majority now support recreational legalization as well.

Washington D.C. and 23 states have legalized medical marijuana (that number is 35 states if we count laws with very limited access).

Even the NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse lists medical uses for...


10 years ago


Benefits of seaweed farming

Seaweed farming has benefited a lot of people in Zanzibar and creation of a cluster programme has added to the advantages of the farming as attested by Mwajuma Mwinyi, a seaweed farmer who lives in Zanzibar.


10 years ago


'Phone farmers' reaping the benefits

The tech helping Kenyan smallholders reap rich rewards


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Benefits of Eating Raw Onions

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Well, it is surprising to know that these vegetables that we use to add flavour and aroma to the dish have many health benefits. If eaten raw, onion and garlic can be really good for the body. Raw onions have sulphur compounds and essential vitamins that can be best consumed raw. If cooked, the essential nutrients and vitamins get lost. So, if you love onion salad, here are few good reasons to have it regularly.

Health benefits of eating raw onions:

Cures constipation:

The fibre in raw...


5 years ago


'Cashpoint aid' and Africa: Who benefits?

The UK's new hard-nosed approach to African aid is greeted with cynicism, writes the BBC's Andrew Harding.


11 years ago

Daily News

Pension benefits remain intact

Pension benefits remain intact
Daily News
THE Ministry of Labour and Employment has refuted allegations that it had reduced benefits of pensioners. The allegations were made on Wednesday by the Tanzania Teachers' Union (TTU) and the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Trade Union (THTU) ...



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