
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


PROFILE : Nothing beats the strength of a determined woman

Aneth Gerana, 31, is a mother of two young children, Baraka,3, and Beatrice who is one year and eight months old. You can not tell that Aneth is deaf until you talk to her.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


PROFILE : The amazing delivery woman

Imagine being in the middle of an important and urgent task at the office, with the bank set to close in less than an hour, yet you need to deposit some money in your account for a standing order or be slapped with hefty penalties.


10 years ago


PROFILE: Woman behind innovative health app

>Seated behind her swamped office desk is Mrs Mary Matu, with her deep-blue coat strategically on her shoulders.


9 years ago


CAREER PROFILE : The woman who has green fingers

Cathryn Morris runs her own landscape company Shamba landscape. Originally from South Africa, she moved to Dar es Salaam in 2007.


10 years ago


PROFILE: A woman making ends meet

>It is her spirit and determination in life that makes Mwajuma Shaaban such an admirable woman. The 42-year-old mother of seven is among bold women who are turning the tables on gender roles in Tanzania today.


5 years ago

The New York Times

Summer Heat May Not Diminish Coronavirus Strength

Summer Heat May Not Diminish Coronavirus Strength  The New York TimesView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


Strength, threats facing CCM ahead of 2015 polls

>Will rifts and power struggles leave Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) safe as it clocks 37 today?


5 years ago

The Guardian

Celibacy and inner strength: why Orlando Bloom swore off sex for six months

Celibacy and inner strength: why Orlando Bloom swore off sex for six months  The GuardianOrlando Bloom reveals he was completely CELIBATE for six months before meeting Katy Perry  Daily MailOrlando Bloom was celibate for 6 months before he started dating Katy Perry  AsiaOneWhy Kate Perry Calls Herself a 'Bridechilla'  Showbiz Cheat SheetOrlando Bloom Says He Was Celibate, Didn't Masturbate For Months Before Katy Perry  HuffPostView Full coverage on Google...


11 years ago


OBBO: Africa’s weakness is also its strength, clever fellows claim

During coffee breaks, when the microphones weren’t near, a few chaps whispered to me that it cannot be an accident that the most important economies on the West African coast (Nigeria) and on the eastern side (Kenya) are hobbled by terrorism.


11 years ago

Poaching War

PM: We are determined to stay the course in anti

Daily News
PM: We are determined to stay the course in anti-poaching war
Daily News
THE government has re-affirmed its commitment to get rid of the network of poachers and bring the culprits to justice, declaring that losing the battle against the illicit wildlife trade has never been an option. “Statistics tell that despite the good progress in the ...
Poaching could wipe out Tanzanian elephants in 7 yearsThe Standard Digital News
Our unique wildlife shall not dieIPPmedia
Clerics Pledge...



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