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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Rate of liver diseases alarming, says health department

The regional health department in Rukwa Region has raised concern over the alarming rate at which liver diseases are spreading in the region, saying the consequences of diseases may surpass those of HIV/Aids.


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Habari Zinazoendana

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10 years ago

Dewji Blog

How to Protect and Heal Your Liver!

Located just below the rib cage to our left, our liver plays a crucial role in the digestion of food and many other functions in the body, such as producing bile which reduces the amount of fat in the body. It maintains our sugar, fat and iron levels in the body and is also involved in the production of protein.


Liver diseases are a group of disorders, infections and medical conditions that affect the liver tissue and its structure, and may cause damage or stop its functioning all...


10 years ago


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11 years ago


Alarm over dangerous liver disease

>Prevalence of Hepatitis ‘B’ and ‘C’, a life-threatening liver infection that leads to cancer, is worrying that public health authorities launched an awareness campaign yesterday to curb quick spread of the deadly disease.


11 years ago


Liver, Man U safiii, Arsenal mhh!

Kasi ya Arsenal imepunguzwa baada ya kutoka  sare 2-2 na Southampton na kupoteza nafasi ya kuongoza kwa tofauti ya pointi nne kileleni, wakati Liverpool wakiisambaratisha Everton na Manchester United ikiinyuka Cardiff juzi Jumanne.


9 years ago


Ni zaidi ya vita El Clasico, City, Liver hapatoshi


NI wakati mwingine kwa mashabiki wa soka duniani kushuhudia uhondo wa mechi kubwa ya Ligi Kuu Hispania kwa miamba Real Madrid na Barcelona kuvaana katika Uwanja wa Santiago Bernabeu saa 2:15 usiku leo.

Mchezo huu utakuwa ni zaidi ya vita kwa timu hizo kutokana na kupishana pointi chache kwenye msimamo wa ligi, Barca ikiwa kileleni kwa pointi 27 na Real ikiwa nazo 24, huku zikifukuziwa kwa karibu na Atletico Madrid iliyojikusanyia 23.

Vita imekolea hapo, kwani...



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