
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Recent survey reveals our priorities

Recent survey reveals our priorities - ACT
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
ACT-Wazalendo party has said that most of the problems identified by community members in the just-released opinion poll are among their main priorities in the general election. The poll outcome released by non-profit civic organisation Twaweza on ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Magufuli: My Priorities

President John Magufuli yesterday laid down the priorities of his government, sending out a strong statement that it will not be business as usual under his leadership.


11 years ago


Africa must have its priorities right at summit with US

President Barack Obama has invited 47 African Heads of State to Washington on August 4 and 5 for a Summit around US–Africa Trade.


11 years ago

Daily News

PM spells out 2014/15 priorities

Daily News
PM spells out 2014/15 priorities
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, unveiled his office's 2014/15 budget proposals that seek to boost industrial and agricultural production, as well as regulate tuition fees in higher learning institutions. The premier admitted escalating public outcries over ...


9 years ago


CCM lists its priorities

Poverty eradication and fighting corruption will be among top priorities of the next government if CCM retains power, according to the party’s 2015-2020 election manifesto.


11 years ago


Are Recent Bombings a New Breed of Terror?

Are Recent Bombings a New Breed of Terror?
HARDLY a week after experts cleared Arusha Region of terrorism acts following a string of bombings that rocked the area in the past, the vice seems to be spreading to other areas as a woman was injured in Mwanza when a blast hit church premises.
ELCT condemns Mwanza churchDaily News

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9 years ago

Daily News

TLP unveils development priorities

TLP unveils development priorities
Daily News
TANZANIA Labour Party (TLP) presidential candidate Mr Macmillan Lyimo has urged Tanzanians to elect him because his party's policies can transform the country's development. Addressing the public at the launch of the TLP election campaign at Njia ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Maalim Seif sets priorities

Maalim Seif sets priorities
Daily News
CIVIC United Front (CUF) political party top leaders, yesterday at a public rally in Zanzibar prayed for free and transparent elections as the party's presidential nominee for the Isles, Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad, disclosed his priorities if he won the October polls.


10 years ago


‘World Day of the Girl’ may be recent initiative but...

There are a bazillion (pardon the gross exaggeration) ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ generally recognised in the ‘civilised world’ today. Some are natural, such as the right to life after one is born - albeit born willy-nilly! Then there’re statutorily-imposed ‘constitutional rights,’ including the right to vote and stand for election...


10 years ago


Government is to blame for recent drivers’ strike

For nine hours last Friday, the country was held to ransom after drivers of passenger vehicles decided to down their tools. They were protesting a number of issues, including lack of formal contracts from vehicle owners as well as a demand imposed by national Institute of transport (NIT) that they should undergo training each time they want to renew their driving licences.



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