
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TLP unveils development priorities

TLP unveils development priorities
Daily News
TANZANIA Labour Party (TLP) presidential candidate Mr Macmillan Lyimo has urged Tanzanians to elect him because his party's policies can transform the country's development. Addressing the public at the launch of the TLP election campaign at Njia ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

The Daily Star

Narrow UN priorities to hit the best development targets

Daily News
Narrow UN priorities to hit the best development targets
The Daily Star
The world has generally become a much better place during the last half-century. Skeptics will scoff at the idea of overall improvement, but the numbers don't lie. The task we face now is to make the world even better.In 1960, 20 million children under the age ...
First National Parliamentary Conference on MDG tomorrowBusiness Recorder
MDGs conference on SundayPakistan Today
Dar cuts maternal deaths by...


11 years ago

The Standard Digital News

EAC unveils grand development plans for Arusha

EAC unveils grand development plans for Arusha
The Standard Digital News
The East African Community ( EAC) Secretariat plans to kick off an ambitious development plan on its 130-acre piece of land in Arusha, Tanzania. The Tanzania government allocated the land to the EAC in August 2005 for future expansion. Among the ...
Best to postpone S. Sudan EAC bidEast African Business Week
EAC Single Currency:Forget Western concerns, Sitta cautionsIPPmedia
East Africa may launch single...


9 years ago


Magufuli: My Priorities

President John Magufuli yesterday laid down the priorities of his government, sending out a strong statement that it will not be business as usual under his leadership.


9 years ago


CCM lists its priorities

Poverty eradication and fighting corruption will be among top priorities of the next government if CCM retains power, according to the party’s 2015-2020 election manifesto.


11 years ago


Africa must have its priorities right at summit with US

President Barack Obama has invited 47 African Heads of State to Washington on August 4 and 5 for a Summit around US–Africa Trade.


11 years ago

Daily News

PM spells out 2014/15 priorities

Daily News
PM spells out 2014/15 priorities
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, unveiled his office's 2014/15 budget proposals that seek to boost industrial and agricultural production, as well as regulate tuition fees in higher learning institutions. The premier admitted escalating public outcries over ...


9 years ago


Recent survey reveals our priorities

Recent survey reveals our priorities - ACT
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
ACT-Wazalendo party has said that most of the problems identified by community members in the just-released opinion poll are among their main priorities in the general election. The poll outcome released by non-profit civic organisation Twaweza on ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Maalim Seif sets priorities

Maalim Seif sets priorities
Daily News
CIVIC United Front (CUF) political party top leaders, yesterday at a public rally in Zanzibar prayed for free and transparent elections as the party's presidential nominee for the Isles, Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad, disclosed his priorities if he won the October polls.



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