
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Report employers breaking labour laws, workers urged

Daily News
Report employers breaking labour laws, workers urged
Daily News
EMPLOYEES have been urged to break silence about employers who violate workers' rights for the government to take legal measures. Deputy Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr Makongoro Mahanga, told the National Assembly that the government ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Employers want JPM to revise policies, laws

Private sector employers are calling upon the new administration to amend some current policies and legislative pieces that taint Tanzania’s image to existing and prospective investors.


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: TZ doomed if employers ignore workers’ plight

>On Wednesday, Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) released a report showing that over 80 per cent of workers in the corporate sector don’t have formal job contracts.


10 years ago


ILO urges government, employers to protect workers' lives

ILO urges government, employers to protect workers' lives
Director of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Country Office for Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, Alexio Musindo. (File photo). In order to promote prevention culture to curb workplace illness and injuries by ensuring that work sustains and ...
ILO Toasts Kikwete Over Regular Meetings With

all 5


9 years ago


We fully abide by labour laws, says Jambo Plastics

We fully abide by labour laws, says Jambo Plastics
Jambo Plastics Ltd, one of the Dar es Salaam-based companies visited by Minister of State (Prime Minister's Office) Jenista Mhagama on Tuesday, has come out strongly against assertions it says associated it with contravention of Tanzania's laws.


10 years ago

Daily News

Recruit certified accountants to avoid thefts, employers urged

Daily News
Recruit certified accountants to avoid thefts, employers urged
Daily News
EMPLOYERS have been reminded to abide by the laws of the country and employ certified public accountants, to avoid unnecessary thefts and dishonesty in their companies. This was said in Dar es Salaam by Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Ms ...


11 years ago


Employers urged to seek protocol, relationship training for employees

Employers urged to seek protocol, relationship training for employees
To improve service delivery and production efficiency, employers, both for public as well as those of the private sectors have been urged to send their staff for operation protocol and relationship training to improve relations between them and the clients they ...


11 years ago


Labour inequality pushing youth into rich nations: report

The high magnitude of labour inequalities has been cited as a major factor leading to youth migration, particularly from rural areas to big cities.


11 years ago


Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws

Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws
The government has been called upon to scrap out and/or amend all oppressive laws which curtail the freedom of the media and expression and instead exhaust other remedies such as the Court of law and the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) to address its ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have been urged to educate people in their areas the importance of obeying laws, orders and be ready to listen to government leaders on issues to do with land disputes. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...



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