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Returning to Tanzania, again, as a refugee

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Returning to Tanzania, again, as a refugee
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
After waiting 3 weeks, the Ndaezee family gets the news they have been waiting for. The Burundian refugees are called to board the ferry which will take them one step closer to a settlement camp in northern Tanzania. Photo: Maija Tammi, Finnish Red Cross ...
Refugee rescue | 100-year-old ship ferries thousands to...

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Thomson Reuters Foundation

Congolese refugee triumphs over bizarre persecution to inspire refugee women

Congolese refugee triumphs over bizarre persecution to inspire refugee women
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. NYARUGUSU REFUGEE CAMP, Tanzania, April 3 (UNHCR) - Inside a dark youth centre in the heart of Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, a tall, slim woman rises ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Overstretched and Underfunded Refugee Camps in Tanzania Put Over ...

Independent Online
Tanzania: Overstretched and Underfunded Refugee Camps in Tanzania Put Over ...
Health and shelter for Burundian refugees in Tanzania are poised to get worse in already overstretched camps, the aid agencies Oxfam, HelpAge International, Plan International, Save the Children, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Danish ...
Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsIndependent Online
Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsThomson Reuters...


10 years ago


3 international bodies prepare for new refugee influx into Tanzania

3 international bodies prepare for new refugee influx into Tanzania
Plan International, Save the Children and International Rescue Committee (IRC) are working a coordinated response to Burundi refugee crisis and preparing for a new influx. They are focusing on education and protection of children, a statement availed ...
Burundian Refugees in Tanzania Predicted to Reach 250000Save the Children

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10 years ago

Sierra Leone Times

Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps

Sierra Leone Times
Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps
Sierra Leone Times
NAIROBI, KENYA - The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the refugee ...
Burundi refugee crisis Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellMENAFN.COM

all 4


10 years ago

Al Jazeera America

For Burundians, Tanzania's refugee camps offer a better life

Al Jazeera America
For Burundians, Tanzania's refugee camps offer a better life
Al Jazeera America
Burundian families who fled their country wait to be registered as refugees at Nyarugusu camp in northwest Tanzania on June 11, 2015. Since unrest broke out in Burundi this spring, more than 100,000 people have fled. Stephanie Aglietti / AFP / Getty ...


9 years ago


' We Can't Cope With Mass Burundian Refugee Influx in Tanzania'- UNHCR

Independent Online
' We Can't Cope With Mass Burundian Refugee Influx in Tanzania'- UNHCR
More than a hundred thousand Burundian refugees in neighboring Tanzania face overcrowding and disease. Aid agencies say the lives of these refugees could be threatened by heavy rains and an increase of new arrivals. The United Nations High ...
UNICEF appeals for $25m for BurundiEast African Business Week
Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsDaily Mail
Overstretched and...


9 years ago


Women and Girls Failed: The Burundian Refugee Response in Tanzania

The Daily Star
Women and Girls Failed: The Burundian Refugee Response in Tanzania
Washington, DC December 22, 2015 - Refugees International has issued its latest field report on the refugee response for Burundian women and girls in Tanzania. The recent crisis in Burundi has forced the flight of more than 220,000 refugees, of whom ...
Aid Community Blasted For Failing Female Refugees In East AfricaBuzzFeed News
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based ViolenceThe Daily Star

all 2


10 years ago


Thousands of unaccompanied Burundian children in Tanzania refugee camp

Mail & Guardian Online
Thousands of unaccompanied Burundian children in Tanzania refugee camp
The number of separated, unaccompanied, and often traumatised, Burundian children arriving at the remote Nyarugusu refugee camp in western Tanzania is thought to have risen sharply from around 1,600 at the end of May, to more than 2,600 by 19th July, ...
Facilities for Burundi refugees at breaking point: MSFMail & Guardian Online
Refugee Camps Tense As Burundians Flee Poll Violence -...


10 years ago

Voice Of America

Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania

Voice of America
Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania
Voice of America
NAIROBI, KENYA—. The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the ...
Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellJakarta Post
Burundi Refugee Crisis - Funds Urgently Needed As Tanzania Camp Numbers

all 302...



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