
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Stop invading military land, public urged

Stop invading military land, public urged
Daily News
THE public has been warned against encroaching land or areas belonging to the army, especially where the forces conduct military exerces. The warning was sued by the Minter for Defence and Security, Dr Hassan Mwinyi, who said that the public has been ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


JK: Military spending not wastage of public funds

President Jakaya Kikwete has come out in defense of his government's heavy military expansion programme  saying the large sums of money spent on strengthening the army are not going to waste.


10 years ago


Stop public funds looting

The report of the task force appointed by former Transport minister Harrison Mwakyembe to look into the procurement of 25 freight wagons worth Sh230 billion is out.


11 years ago


Land Tribunals Asked to Stop Charging Residents

Land Tribunals Asked to Stop Charging Residents
Dodoma — WARD, land and housing tribunals were on Friday warned against charging people, as the courts get annual allocations for operations, building renovation and procurement of furniture. Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Local ...


10 years ago


Ensure success on new rule on public land

Land grabs are increasingly common these days. Predictably, they trigger conflicts. It is small wonder that legal battles, violence and even death tend to be triggered by land disputes.


11 years ago


We need public assistance to mitigate land disputes

We need public assistance to mitigate land disputes - Pinda
Premier Mizengo Pinda (L) cuts a ribbon to inaugurate a book titled Land Justice for Sustainable Peace in Tanzania, moments after opening a one day Land Forum workshop in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda has called on public ...
PM urges clerics to help solve land conflictsDaily News

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10 years ago


Stop charging teachers residing in public houses

Stop charging teachers residing in public houses - Minister
Daily News
ALL district councils in the country which are forcing teachers to pay for public houses they are residing have been directed to stop it immediately as it is against the law. The Deputy Minister for Regional Administration and Local Government in charge of ...


11 years ago


Stop meddling in politics, public servants warned

Government officials have been asked to perform their duties accordingly instead of meddling in politics, a situation that hinders the government from realizing its goals.


9 years ago


Public servants urged to refrain from politics

Public servants in Karagwe District have been urged to concentrate more on serving wananchi  and less on politics now that the elections are over.


10 years ago

Daily News

Public urged to invest in science labs

Public urged to invest in science labs
Daily News
THE public has been urged to invest in science lab projects that will help increase the number of scientists who are central to the development agenda of the country. Temeke Municipal Mayor, Mr Maabad Hoja, said, “Laboratories can be an important stimulus ...



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