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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania challenges violence

Tanzania challenges violence-hit Kenya as regional tourism hub
... * Tanzania now receives about 1 mln visitors a year. * Tourists mostly come from Britain, US, Germany, Italy. * Surge in visitor numbers over past two years. By Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala. DAR ES SALAAM, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Tanzania expects tourist numbers ...

hit Kenya as regional tourism hub

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Five challenges for Tanzania's new president

...and four other challenges for Tanzania's new president


11 years ago


The challenges of getting land in urban Tanzania

Real Estate activities are growing in the country, spreading out across town centres in most of the regions that have commercial activities including urban centres such as Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza, Mtwara and many others.


10 years ago

Voice Of America

UN: 'Significant Challenges' in Tanzania Cholera Outbreak

Voice of America
UN: 'Significant Challenges' in Tanzania Cholera Outbreak
Voice of America
GENEVA—. U.N. aid agencies report better sanitation and clean drinking water is containing a cholera epidemic among Burundian refugees in Tanzania, but there are fears that the deadly disease could spread to the local Tanzanian population. The U.N. ...
UNHCR slashes Burundi refugee figure from earlier 'guesstimate'Reuters

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9 years ago

BBC News

Tanzania's John Magufuli: Five challenges for the new president

BBC News
Tanzania's John Magufuli: Five challenges for the new president
BBC News
Tanzania's President-elect John Magufuli will be inaugurated on Thursday following his landslide victory in fiercely contested elections. Known as "The Bulldozer", he won with 58% of the vote to the 40% of his main rival Edward Lowassa. The victory ...
Clerics call for calm in ZanzibarDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Tanzania opposition bet on ex-premier pays offChicago Tribune


11 years ago


The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production

The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production


9 years ago


TPSF challenges Tanzania to tap regional market

Members of the private sector and the government have been advised to consult each other and see how they can solve challenges that impede Tanzania to take advantage of the readily rice market in the East African countries.


11 years ago


Breastfeeding Week: success stories, challenges and policy in Tanzania

Tanzania is doing well in breast-feeding as some 97 per cent of mothers adhere to the practice. But only 50 per cent of these mothers properly breast-feed their children.


10 years ago


Dr Bilal challenges Law School of Tanzania to strive for merit

Daily News
Dr Bilal challenges Law School of Tanzania to strive for merit
Vice President Dr Mohammed Gharib Bilal has challenged the Law School of Tanzania to make sure that it becomes one of the best institutions in Africa that provides excellence in legal practice. The Vice President noted this in Dar es Salaam yesterday when ...
Bilal calls for ethical, proficient lawyersDaily News

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