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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania: Warning to Teachers

Tanzania: Warning to Teachers
Mwanza — Regional Commissioner, Magesa Mulongo has warned public school teachers against asking fees or other donations from parents, warning that those who go against the directive will face disciplinary measures. Mr Mulongo, who was speaking to ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups

Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups
Arusha - Electoral authorities in Tanzania on Saturday called on police to investigate fears that some political parties were preparing to train militia groups ahead of next month's national elections. The concern has emerged as campaigning heats up ...
Grand 'karibu' for Magufuli in home townDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 9


10 years ago


Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting

Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting
President Jakaya Kikwete is tomorrow expected to officiate the ninth annual general meeting (AGM) of the Tanzania Teachers' Union (TTU) to be held in Arusha's Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge. He is also expected to use the opportunity to bid farewell to teachers ...


9 years ago

North Somerset Times

Teachers visit Tanzania

North Somerset Times
Teachers visit Tanzania
North Somerset Times
A group of teachers from Mary Elton Primary School have visited its partner school in Tanzania. Share. Comment. Email this article to a friend. To send a link to this page you must be logged in. Cheryl Brown, Sharon Shepherd and Tanya Compton spent a ...


10 years ago

Morley Observer

Morley teachers to visit Tanzania

Morley Observer
Morley teachers to visit Tanzania
Morley Observer
Headteacher Andrew Eastwood and teacher Miss Hetherington at Fountain Primary School, ahead of their visit to a twin school in Tanzani next month. (d610a504). Published on the 31 January 2015 14:00. Published 31/01/2015 14:00 ...


10 years ago


Teachers shortage hurting Tanzania

>Tanzania is one of the top ten countries globally with the highest projection of total number of teachers who have to be recruited by 2030.


10 years ago

Daily News

Tanzania might need over 400000 teachers by 2030

Tanzania might need over 400000 teachers by 2030
Daily News
TANZANIA needs to recruit at least 406,600 new teachers by 2030 if it is to attain the target of keeping all school age children in classrooms, a UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and Education for All Global Monitoring report has said. According to the report ...


9 years ago

Bognor Regis Observer

Felpham pupils and teachers 'inspired' by Tanzania trip

Bognor Regis Observer
Felpham pupils and teachers 'inspired' by Tanzania trip
Bognor Regis Observer
Senior students from Felpham Community College have arrived back from their trip to Tanzania exhausted and inspired by the charity work they completed. The students had spent over 18 months planning, organising and fundraising for the trip, which took ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Govt Owes Us Sh88 Million - Teachers

Tanzania: Govt Owes Us Sh88 Million - Teachers
Dodoma — The government owes teachers in Bahi district Sh88 million in the salary component of promotions, vacation allowances and transport stipend for retired teachers. Chairman for the Tanzania Teacher's Union (CWT) in Bahi Samwel Mlugu said the ...


9 years ago


Teachers’ union leader says free education is possible in Tanzania

An educationist has said free education from primary to university level was possible in Tanzania if the government strictly put taxes and other revenues to proper use.



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