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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups

Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups
Arusha - Electoral authorities in Tanzania on Saturday called on police to investigate fears that some political parties were preparing to train militia groups ahead of next month's national elections. The concern has emerged as campaigning heats up ...
Grand 'karibu' for Magufuli in home townDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Daily News

Political parties in Isles warned against using militia groups

Political parties in Isles warned against using militia groups
Daily News
THE European Union and Zanzibar House of Representatives have warned political parties against replacing the police with party militias. The two entities have asked political parties to respect the laws of the country and the limits of party roles ...


10 years ago


Political parties’ security groups a breach of law

Last month, the Attorney General, Mr George Masaju, warned political parties over their move to establish security groups. He said doing so was against the law. As law abiding organisations I expected the parties, notably the three major political parties which have such groups, Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and Civic United Front (CUF) would heed the AG call and disband their groups.


10 years ago


New UN Report Pins Tanzania On FDLR Militia

New UN Report Pins Tanzania On FDLR Militia
The leaders of the genocidal FDLR militia and its political supporters in Europe have held several meetings in Tanzania since at least 2013, a new UN report has said. The final report of the UN Group of Experts on the DR Congo, dated January 12, a copy of ...


9 years ago

Mail &Amp; Guardian Africa

Tanzania poll boss in alarm after 'militia training' claims made ahead of ...

Mail & Guardian Africa
Tanzania poll boss in alarm after 'militia training' claims made ahead of ...
Mail & Guardian Africa
The disturbing claim has emerged as campaigning heats up prior to the October 25 ballot in one of Africa's most stable countries. President Jakaya Kikwete (left) congratulates John Magufuli in Dodoma on July 12, 2015, on his nomination as the ruling ...
I'm mature enough for State House - Magufuli.IPPmedia
Warning in Tanzania over political militia groupsYahoo News


9 years ago


Tanzania: Warning to Teachers

Tanzania: Warning to Teachers
Mwanza — Regional Commissioner, Magesa Mulongo has warned public school teachers against asking fees or other donations from parents, warning that those who go against the directive will face disciplinary measures. Mr Mulongo, who was speaking to ...


10 years ago

Breitbart News

Christians in Kenya and Tanzania Under Threat as Islamist Groups Widen ...

Christians in Kenya and Tanzania Under Threat as Islamist Groups Widen ...
Breitbart News
Concern is growing for the Christian populations of Kenya and Tanzania, as jihadists are widening their sphere of influence across East Africa, a leading charity for persecuted Christians has warned. Release International has identified Iraq as the worst place ...
'Islamist groups gaining ground in Africa' warns persecution charityChristianToday

all 3


11 years ago


Political opportunism hurts Tanzania

Only a year before Tanzania holds its fifth multiparty General Election, we witness a string of exoduses, whereby members are shifting camps among the various political parties. 


11 years ago

Sabahi Online

New political party formed in Tanzania

New political party formed in Tanzania
Sabahi Online
A new political party, the Alliance for Change and Transformation (ACT), was launched in Dar es Salaam on Monday (March 3rd), Tanzania's The Citizen reported. Related Articles. Tanzanian President Kikwete reshuffles party secretariat · 67.7 billion shillings ...


11 years ago


With this political trend, what lies in store for Tanzania?

With this political trend, what lies in store for Tanzania?
The examination of the evil social, economical and political phenomena called colonialism was achieved in the year 1961 granting us independence which is said to be of the flag type as some analysts continue seeing exploitation taking place in a new mode ...



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