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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanian opposition vow united front

Tanzanian opposition vow united front
Tanzania's main opposition parties have signed a pact to mount a united challenge to the ruling party in presidential and general elections next year, they said in a statement. Four key parties, which met on Sunday, said for the first time they would put up ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzanian vow to end albino killings

Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete pledges to end the killings of albinos, which he says has brought shame on the East African nation.


10 years ago


JK calls for united front against terror

>President Jakaya Kikwete has urged African countries to join forces in the war against terrorism.


9 years ago


Bold steps towards a united fisheries management front

 The high dependency of rural communities along the coast on marine resources for their livelihoods increases the pressure on these resources and in most cases leads to the mismanagement, over-exploitation, and ultimately, the destruction of their environment.


11 years ago


Forging a united front to combat malaria in Africa

Growing up in Angola, I witnessed the cruel and devastating impact of malaria, as well as experienced this horrific disease firsthand. Later, as a mother, I was grateful to have access to preventive therapies while pregnant so that I could protect myself and my two sons could be born healthy.


9 years ago


Tanzanian Patriotic Front the latest party to join nation's political arena

Tanzanian Patriotic Front the latest party to join nation's political arena
Political Parties Registrar Judge Francis Mutungi has granted temporary registration to a new party dubbed Tanzanian Patriotic Front (TPF Mashujaa) bringing the total number of political parties in the country to 23. Speaking shortly after the approval ...


10 years ago

PM For President Race

Tanzanian opposition pick ex

The Guardian Nigeria
Tanzanian opposition pick ex-PM for president race
Dar es Salaam - Tanzania's four main opposition parties chose ex-prime minister Edward Lowassa as a joint presidential candidate on Tuesday, three months ahead of a general election scheduled for October 25. Lowassa, 61, was the east African country's ...
Tanzanian opposition coalition nominates former PM for presidencyThe Star Online
UKAWA endorses Lowassa to run for union presidentDaily News
Tanzania Presidential...


9 years ago


Tanzanian lessons for Ugandan opposition

Rapid News Network
Tanzanian lessons for Ugandan opposition
Outgoing president Jakaya Kikwete (L) introduces incoming president John Magufuli at a rally by ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on Oct.23, ahead of the country's presidential elections on Oct.25. AFP PHOTO / DANIEL ...
What foreign writers say about the Swearing in of Dr MagufuliIPPmedia
New Tanzanian president cancels overseas
Tanzania prepares president's inauguration,...


10 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Opposition United in Referendum Challenge

Voice of America
Tanzania Opposition United in Referendum Challenge
Voice of America
Tanzania main opposition Chadema and other rival political parties are preparing to launch a legal challenge to the government's decision to hold a referendum about the country's draft constitution in April 2015. That's according to Ibrahim Lipumba, a leading ...
Tanzania to hold referendum on new constitution in April 2015Reuters Africa
New Tanzania Constitution To Be Debated In April 2015...


9 years ago

Daily News &Amp; Analysis

Tanzanian opposition says 40 volunteers arrested after election

Daily News & Analysis
Tanzanian opposition says 40 volunteers arrested after election
Daily News & Analysis
Tanzania's opposition Chadema party said on Monday police had detained 40 of its volunteers after a combined presidential and parliamentary election at the weekend, in an incident marring an otherwise broadly peaceful voting process. Tanzanian ...
An Idiot's Guide to the Tanzanian
Tanzanian Ruling Party Candidate Takes Early Lead in ElectionsBloomberg

all 663



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