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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanian tourism minister does not make the cut

Tanzanian tourism minister does not make the cut
TANZANIA (eTN) – Tanzania's president has formed and appointed a new cabinet of ministers to run his five-year term government but skipped appointing the Minister for Tourism and Natural Resources, a key ministry in Tanzania's economic development.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

The Official Government News Portal Of Sri Lanka

Tanzanian Foreign Minister meets Minister Basil Rajapaksa

Colombo Gazette
Tanzanian Foreign Minister meets Minister Basil Rajapaksa
The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka
Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade C-operation, Bernard K Membe, presently in Sri Lanka on a tree day visit, met with the Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa on Monday ( 21) and had discussions on strengthening ...
The Tanzanian foreign minister meets the PresidentSLBC
* Tanzania looks forward to further strengthening bilateral ties...


9 years ago


Why TZ music videos don't make the cut

According to Tim what artistes like Diamond and Vanessa Mdee have done makes them relevant almost in every part of the continent.


9 years ago


Videos should make the cut — MTV Base

There is a growing notion that international TV networks just don’t have time for the music videos that are made by Tanzanian artistes and directors.


10 years ago


Cut foreign aid budget to make some easy savings
Cut foreign aid budget to make some easy savings
It is about time too. You don't need the Chancellor's brains or instinct for saving taxpayers' money to realise that we should not be paying for trapeze lessons in Tanzania or funding governments that already have their own space programmes. However ...


10 years ago


Conversation with Tanzania's Minister of Tourism

Conversation with Tanzania's Minister of Tourism on: changes he has implemented since assuming the position, increase in tourists receipt and not national park fees, Tanzanian's Youth and role in the tourism sector, Entrepreneurship, Diaspora involvement.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

The Prospects of Tanzania’s New Tourism Minister


Will he/she be capable of overcoming the challenges facing the industry?

Over the next few days, Tanzanian’s countrywide will be expecting Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, United Republic of Tanzania’s new president, to announce his new cabinet. Each sector will be able to get their ministers and deputy ministers who will be working hand in hand to boost the economy of the country.

The key sector that rapidly promotes the country’s economy is the Ministry of Natural resources and Tourism; should we...


9 years ago


Tanzania welcomes new Tourism Minister

Tanzania welcomes new Tourism Minister
Former minister Lazaro Nyalandu know he stood no chance for a new ministerial appointment when he was left out of the lineup announced two weeks ago and few in the tourism industry are shedding tears, still remembering the manner how he got into office ...


11 years ago


Minister Urges Strengthening of Peace for Tourism Growth

Minister Urges Strengthening of Peace for Tourism Growth
INTERNATIONAL researchers, the academia and policy makers have been urged to come up with best practices and suggestions on strengthening peace and security for sustainable tourism development in the country. The Minister of Natural Resources and ...
Govt to intensify security following Kenya attacksIPPmedia

all 2


11 years ago


The Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Lazaro Nyalandu

The Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Lazaro Nyalandu
Tanzania has signed an agreement with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to curb the current wave of poaching. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) took ...
Summit on jumbos scheduled for DarDaily News
Tanzania Jails Chinese Ivory Smuggler for 20 YearsNaharnet
Tanzania jails ivory smuggler for 20 yearsNews24

all 19



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