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Tanzanians advised to use climate data for development

Tanzanians advised to use climate data for development
Daily News
VILLAGE and local governments have been challenged to use the strengthening climate information and early warning systems for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change in dealing with disaster management in their respective areas.

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Use official data from NBS, institutions advised

Use official data from NBS, institutions advised
Daily News
PUBLIC and private institutions were Thursday advised to use official data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in formulating policies for proper planning and development. National Census Commissioner, Ms Amina Mrisho, opening a two-day ...


11 years ago


Use simplified machines, Tanzanians advised

Tanzanians have been urged to make use of simplified technologies that are designed to ease and speed up farming activities.


11 years ago


CSOs advised to track government commitments towards development

CSOs advised to track government commitments towards development
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been challenged to track progress of commitments made by the government and ensure that gender-responsive laws are endorsed. Presenting a paper in Dar es Salaam during a one-day workshop held over the ...


10 years ago


Migration data collection vital in national development planning

Migration data collection vital in national development planning
The data of Tanzanians in Diaspora has to be well collected, managed and controlled so as to ensure that they contribute more and more in the country's income. The recent statistics released by the World Bank shows that Tanzanians in Diaspora contribute ...


9 years ago


Conference Places Open Data At Center of Development Agenda

Conference Places Open Data At Center of Development Agenda
Dar es Salaam — ore than 400 representatives from government, academia, private industry, civil society, and international organizations have gathered in Dar es Salaam for a two-day conference to share experiences and best practices to promote the ...


9 years ago


MARKET DATA REVIEW : Why capital markets development is important

Since the enactment of the Capital Markets and Securities (CMS) Act, Cap. 79 of 1994 and the establishment of the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) in 1996, there has been several developments in the Capital markets in Tanzania.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Can we achieve sustainable development through Climate Change financing?

DSC_2760.jpgoouMasaki Inaba, Japan Citizens Network during the meeting..

Pan African Climate Justice Alliance and Africa Development Interchange Network host side event at the UN’s Third Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa to: discuss the importance of climate finance, and the relationship of climate finance to the FfD discussions and post-2015 process.

The crucial role of climate finance within the development agenda was cast under the spotlight last night during discussions at a side...


9 years ago


Tanzanians like to see real development, says Magufuli

Tanzanians like to see real development, says Magufuli
Dr John Magufuli, CCM's flag bearer in the race for Tanzanian presidency during the upcoming General Election, arrives at Tabora's Ali Hassan Mwinyi grounds yesterday. CCM Presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli says Tanzanians would like to see real ...
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