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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanians have many reasons to rejoice Union

New Vision
Tanzanians have many reasons to rejoice Union
Daily News
TANZANIA turned 50 on Saturday and besides the pomp and gallant displays by the men and women in uniform, indeed, Tanzanians do have so many reasons to celebrate and rejoice. The union between the then Tanganyika and Zanzibar is unique in the ...
Tanzania Marks 50th AnniversaryVoice of America
Tanzania Marks Union DayCitizen News
VEEP in TanzaniaZNBC -IPPmedia -Daily Times
all 39 news...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Cherish Union, Tanzanians urged

Daily News
Cherish Union, Tanzanians urged
Daily News
THE continued existence of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar during the past 50 years is in itself an achievement that should be cherished by the people since many countries in Africa tried to unite but failed. President Jakaya Kikwete made the ...
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11 years ago

Daily News

Tanzanians have shown Union to the world

Tanzanians have shown Union to the world
Daily News
THE pomp and pageantry that marked the 50th anniversary of the Union has come and gone. It was good as it lasted. With the grand climax happening at the Uhuru Stadium in Dar es Salaam on Saturday, where six heads of state, two foreign vice-presidents ...
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10 years ago


Scientists: Too early to rejoice over vaccine

>World Malaria Day was marked with optimism here following the release of findings on the new malaria jab, whose final trials were announced on Friday. But local researchers have been quick to caution that it might be too early to celebrate the results.


11 years ago


Why CCM shouldn’t rejoice over wrangles in Chadema

>CCM is apparently in a jovial mood as it celebrates its 37th birthday, thanks to murky waters in which the country’s main opposition political outfit – Chadema – is currently swimming.


11 years ago


Vulnerable children in Gairo schools rejoice

Vulnerable children in Gairo schools rejoice
Vulnerable school children from Sekwao secondary school in Gairo District, Morogoro Region in a group photo after being presented with text books Camfed Tanzania and organization which supports schooling children living in poverty stricken families.


11 years ago


Top teachers’ union officials differ on the union structure

Senior officials of the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) have aired diverse views on the Union structure.


11 years ago


FEATURE: What are the reasons behind miscarriage?

>For many couples, a miscarriage is a source of great mental anguish and sadness. Most couples cannot help but wonder if they did something wrong or if they could have done something differently in order to prevent the loss.


11 years ago


The reasons why you might have bad breath

We all get bad breath sometimes, but if yours is becoming a chronic issue, you need to get to the root of the problem.


10 years ago

Daily News

More reasons for climbing Kilimanjaro

More reasons for climbing Kilimanjaro
Daily News
GROSS embarrassment are the best two words that express Madaraka Nyerere's feelings every time a visitor to the country asked him if he had climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. However, it was only when a Spanish friend, who kept on trying to entice him to take ...



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