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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tarime SACCOS sets aside funds to assist needy schoolgirls

Tarime SACCOS sets aside funds to assist needy schoolgirls
Daily News
NYABIGENA Savings and Cooperative and Credit Society (SACCOS) has resolved to sponsor bright disadvantaged students in Tarime District, Mara Region. The SACCOS is owned by Nyabigena Mining Cooperative Society Limited (NMCS) with its office in ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Charity golf funds benefit needy girls

Charity golf funds benefit needy girls
Highly underprivileged street girls at Sister Carmel Welfare Centre of Kurasini in Dar es Salaam stand to benefit from a newly-built classroom, provision of sewing and knitting equipment worth 47m/- donated by Rotary Club of Bahari through charity golf ...


10 years ago


VIDEO: 'Ebola funds slow to reach needy'

A report by the British Medical Journal says just over $1bn of $3bn pledged to fight the Ebola outbreak has reached affected countries.


11 years ago


Anti-Aids drive funds should be efficiently managed HIVAIDS funds

The recently released Controller and Auditor General (CAG)’s report reveals huge amount of unspent money meant for HIV/Aids programme during the 2012/13 Financial Year. A total of 58 councils failed to spend about Sh2.3billion.


9 years ago


More needs to be done to assist TZ’s 2.4m disabled

Mr Tumaini Mcharo 44, is one of the reported 2.5 million Tanzanians living with one form of disability or other. As experts gathered last weekend in Dar es Salaam to discuss ways of helping the disabled, Mr Mcharo, who was at the meeting, gave a testimony to the common adage that disability is not inability.


11 years ago


Why we must assist AT for Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games scheduled for Glasgow, Scotland, is five month away, and as usual, Tanzania as a member of the club, is expected to take part in the Games which are second to the Olympic Games in terms of importance.


11 years ago


Charity organisations help the needy

Charity organisations have donated items worth over Sh6 million to the Bukumbi Care Centre for the Disabled.


11 years ago

Daily News

Envoy pleads for the needy

Daily News
Envoy pleads for the needy
Daily News
INDIVIDUALS as well as public and private institutions have been urged to support children living in difficult conditions. The appeal was made by the patron of Diana Women Empowerment Organisation (DIWEO), Engineer Emmanuel Ole Naiko at an event to ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Let's do more to assist smallholder farmers

We have spoken about the importance of agriculture in the national economy since independence, but the majority of smallholder farmers remain stuck in the same old ways.


11 years ago

Daily News

Tanzanians implored to support the needy

Daily News
Tanzanians implored to support the needy
Daily News
FORMER Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye has urged Tanzanians to abandon selfishness and develop a culture of serving the needy people to boost national development and people's welfare. Speaking in Dar es Salaam over the weekend during an ...



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