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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TCCIA: Cutting cost of doing business healthy

That is exactly what the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture has been advocating for, for many years culminating in the introduction of a project aimed at tackling non-tariff barriers in 2012


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

The Guardian

What would Tanzania's cost-cutting president do? Twitter responds

The Guardian
What would Tanzania's cost-cutting president do? Twitter responds
The Guardian
Users tweeting #WhatWouldMagufuliDo are offering wry ways to emulate John Magufuli's clampdown on wasteful spending. Global Voices reports. A Tanzanian supporter holds a poster featuring the newly elected president John Magufuli. Photograph: ...


9 years ago


A TEACHER'S DIARY : Wife leaves over cost-cutting

By the time I got to the bar, it was getting dark but, unlike other times when people were seated in the house, this time every one was seated outside Hitler’s house.


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt urged to ease cost of doing business

Govt urged to ease cost of doing business
Daily News
THE government should immediately address numerous checkpoints hampering the country's efforts in bolstering cross border trade by increasing costs of doing business. The call was made here by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, ...


9 years ago


Employers’ plea on high cost of doing business

The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) wants the new government to address policy and law issues that have been triggering the high cost of doing business in the country.


10 years ago


Uhuru says cost of doing business in East Africa still high

>Despite tremendous efforts being done with the support of development partners, the cost of doing business in East Africa remain high.


5 years ago

Business Insider

NASA's new 'space home' for tourists could cost as much as $35,000 to stay in— see inside - Business Insider

NASA's new 'space home' for tourists could cost as much as $35,000 to stay in— see inside - Business Insider  Business InsiderView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Study shows there’s good business in human waste!

Today is World Toilet Day… Cheers! The banner ‘Toilets save lives’ might sound mundane, far-fetched... Or, at best: a smart-alecky trader’s way of drawing attention to toilet-related ware be fobbed off upon unwary prospective customers…! 


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Retiring from Tanzania’s presidency is good business

Seemingly for the umpteenth time, Tanzania’s major partners-in-development have come out in lavish praise for what they described as peaceful, stable transition from one govt to another.


11 years ago


TCCIA yatoa ushauri

Rachel Chibwete, Mwananchi



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