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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TCRA: Beware of fraudsters using cell phones

TCRA: Beware of fraudsters using cell phones
Tanzania Communications and Regulations Authority (TCRA), in a press release yesterday, issued a warning to the public to be aware of fraudsters using mobile phones. The Director General of TCRA John Nkoma said more and more conmen, who have ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


More cell phones in class please

I was recently left alone with a friend’s younger sister. After a few uneasy side glances I ventured where I’d thought I was to venture before.


10 years ago


What Most Africans Use Cell Phones For May Surprise You. Or Not

What Most Africans Use Cell Phones For May Surprise You. Or Not
Just one in five Africans use their mobile phones to access social media but four out of five use them to send text messages, and more than half use them to take photos, according to a survey of seven African countries, PCTechMag reports. A new study by the ...
Tanzanians Safe in South
Tanzania condemns Xenophobic violence, moves to bring back its nationalsThe New Age Online
Tanzania condemns S. Africa...


10 years ago


TCRA Warns Public Over Misuse of Phones

TCRA Warns Public Over Misuse of Phones
THE Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has cautioned the public against misuse of communication services, especially mobile phones, social networks, radio and television broadcasting. According to the authority, the caution comes ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Court frees two alleged fraudsters

Court frees two alleged fraudsters
Daily News
THE Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam acquitted an official with National Microfinance Bank (NMB), Zabron Abel Mwankupili and a customer with the bank, Josepoh Mirambo Xavery, on charges of defrauding the Bank of over 155m/-.


10 years ago


Inside the world of Ghana's internet fraudsters

The men from Ghana who pretend to be women online


10 years ago


EDITORIAL : PPCB Mustn't relax in war against polls fraudsters

Reports on corruption and other dirty tricks during the primaries are very disturbing. From all corners of the country, incidents indicating there are many aspirants who are out to win through unethical means shows we are a country treading on treacherous ground, for it is a sign we could end up getting leaders who will have won office by virtual of their money and not the ballot.


5 years ago

The Guardian

Social disease: how fraudsters adapt old scams to exploit coronavirus

Social disease: how fraudsters adapt old scams to exploit coronavirus  The Guardian


9 years ago


Tanzania na ugonjwa wa Sickle Cell.

Tanzania ni nchi ya tano Duniani kwa kuwa na watu wenye ugonjwa wa Sickle Cell.


10 years ago


My journey with sickle cell disease

At the age of 8, Arafa Salim had already made frequent visits to the hospital. At such a tender age, she didn’t understand why she had to visit the hospital so many times. Out of curiosity, she decided to ask her parents.



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