
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The economics of house helps, inherent dangers

How many domestic workers do we have in Tanzania ? Such statistics are hard to come by in our country. We know that a good number of households with a working mother or father in the urban centres across the nation have a house help.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Perspectives of Greece’s July rejection of austerity economics

>Greece economy has been struggling for a while. Among other things, it was at the centre stage of the 2010 eurozone sovereign debt crisis and had to be bailed out by its fellow euro zone states. In 2015 in general and the week leading to June 31 in particular Greece had to settle its colossal debts. It defaulted and once again needed to be conditionally bailed out.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Never be Afraid of Obstacles and Dangers!

This Dog is a Example of Bravery, We should keep going in our Life the Way he Faces Challenges.


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Its the Heart that Matters Not the Size


11 years ago


The dangers of recycling science teachers

>Questions continue to linger in the minds of education stakeholders, if the recent initiatives geared to resuscitate the country’s ailing education sector are anything to go by.


11 years ago


VIDEO: Dangers of childbirth in S Sudan

South Sudan is one of the most dangerous nations on earth to give birth, according to a report from the charity Save the Children.


10 years ago


Study highlights dangers of changing wilderness areas into farms

Converting wilderness areas into farmland in East Africa may be increasing the risk of a bubonic plague or Lassa fever epidemic, scientists have warned. This follows publication of a study showing rodents crawling with plague-carrying fleas are being drawn to harvested food in the region.


9 years ago

Bangor Daily News

Friday, Sept. 4, 2015: Gun background checks, drone dangers, leave handouts to ...

Friday, Sept. 4, 2015: Gun background checks, drone dangers, leave handouts to ...
Bangor Daily News
In regards to the Aug 31 article about a program providing students with free supplies, I find it confusing that a child whose family can afford a safari in Tanzania takes advantage of free shoes and boots and school supplies. Hopefully there is not a ...


9 years ago


Search aliens house-to-house, Kitwanga orders Immigration

Home Affairs minister Charles Kitwanga, has directed Immigration Services department to conduct a one-month operation to identify and arrest people staying in Tanzania illegally.


11 years ago


Behavioral economics and discipline

Behavioral economics decrees that for every behaviour you display, there must be economic benefit. You must get something in return. This calls for focus and authenticity.


11 years ago


A new star and the economics of ‘blackness’

Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o has been collecting many gongs for her role in the Hollywood film 12 Years A Slave.



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