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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The things we do for love

Remember the last time you fell in love? Come on, don’t tell me it was that long ago and you don’t know what I am talking about. 


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Things to love about South Sudan

The unlikely hashtag trending in a country in conflict


10 years ago


ONE MAN'S VIEW: We love spinning out lies; women love to swallow them

>Men like to lie to women especially when they want to get between the sheets with them. Women on the other hand will take in lies even those lies that are in black and white and disputable.


5 years ago

Showbiz Cheat Sheet

'Thor: Love and Thunder': Natalie Portman Will Reportedly Find Love With One of the Avengers Who Isn't Named Thor

'Thor: Love and Thunder': Natalie Portman Will Reportedly Find Love With One of the Avengers Who Isn't Named Thor  Showbiz Cheat Sheet


11 years ago


Take a chance, try new things

Taking care of children is fun. Well, that’s my experience. Nothing can describe the feeling of knowing that some little people adore you.


10 years ago

Hilton Head Island Packet

10 Things to Know for Friday

Hilton Head Island Packet
10 Things to Know for Friday
Hilton Head Island Packet
FILE - In this Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013 file photo, a Maasai boy and his dog stand near the skeleton of an elephant killed by poachers outside of Arusha, Tanzania. Investigators who collected DNA from the tusks of slain elephants and painstakingly looked ...


10 years ago


Things your woman must have

Brains. Intellectual intercourse is perhaps the most important thing, for me. There’s nothing like when two great minds meet. Whether we talk or are in silence, I love a woman that gets my mind, keeps me grounded and challenges me to be a better man. That is not to say that I don’t care about looks. I do! A beautiful girl that dresses smart is ideal.


9 years ago



If you’re planning to take a trip to Dubai, one of the world’s most multinational cities and the Middle East’s tourism and business hub, there are a number of things to keep in mind. Visitors from the United States and Europe will find a culture much different than their own. We’ve compiled a must-read list of activities one must steer clear of to stay out of trouble and to avoid offending anyone.
1. DON’T CARRY, CONSUME OR SELL DRUGSWhile this is good advice in general, it can be even more...


11 years ago


There are many things to do with a PhD

>A new generation of young scholars are changing common perceptions about people who hold masters and PhD degrees. Gwamaka Kifukwe is one of these people.


11 years ago


There’re things that you just cannot explain

A farmer was sitting in the neighbourhood bar getting drunk. A man came in and asked him, “Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful day, getting drunk?” The farmer shook his head and replied, “Some things you just can’t explain.”



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