
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Things you shouldn’t say to her

What are some of the things you shouldn’t say to your daughter? Well-meaning parents may think they’re helping their daughter with the things that they say she should or shouldn’t do. But if you’re not careful, your daughter can grow up thinking that she should behave a certain way just because she’s a girl.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


‘We shouldn’t allow to be divided’

No one denies that it is only through a Union government and unity of purpose that Africa can claim its rightful stake in the world, but very unfortunate a strong spirit of African unity has disappeared among African leaders and allow individualism and nationalism to dominate them.


11 years ago


Let Britons come, but shouldn’t recolonise us…

By next month, it will be a year since Ms Juliet Kairuki, a young Tanzanian of great promise became the executive director of Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC).


10 years ago


Corruption is criminal, shouldn't be condoned

Corruption is criminal, shouldn't be condoned
Corruption has many faces, each uglier than the other, and in Tanzania, it has become so pervasive that it is expected with a handshake in most public offices. That be the case, researchers warn that 'corruption — the misuse of an office for private ...


10 years ago


Conservatives shouldn’t take Z’bar for a ride

As we move slowly towards the sixth multi-party elections, but with uncertainty of what is in store for us, it is clear that there is a difference on the polls between the two parts of the union.


11 years ago

Daily News

'Founding fathers shouldn't be insulted'

'Founding fathers shouldn't be insulted'
Daily News
SOME members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) from both mainland and Zanzibar have suggested that the new Constitution and the constitutional review Act should have a section that prohibits insulting Tanzania's founding fathers. CA member Hamoud ...
Zanzibar police ban opposition rally, cites terror threatTurkish Press
Deputy Minister for Finance, Mwigulu NchembaIPPmedia
Tanzania opposition quits constitution-drafting...


10 years ago


Why users shouldn’t worry about oil price

>If you are a motorist or you work in a business that is heavily dependent on oil, consider yourself safe from a price hike—in the next four months, at least.


9 years ago


Kudos to the TFF, but Mkwasa shouldn’t relax

It has been said time and again that local coaches are equally as good as their foreign counterparts. In fact, they are even better than their hyped and highly paid colleagues.


9 years ago


Tanzanians shouldn't vote on a Sunday: Lyimo

“Friday, Saturday and Sunday should be omitted by the National Electoral Commission to allow Tanzanians the chance to worship for the peaceful elections. Hence Monday will be convenient for all voters to exercise they civic right,” says the politician.


11 years ago


We shouldn’t leave any room for dirty politics

Mid- last month, Chadema’s Special Seats Legislator Rose Kamili was kidnapped and assaulted during campaigns in the just-ended by-election in Kalenga constituency.



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