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Kudos to the TFF, but Mkwasa shouldn’t relax

It has been said time and again that local coaches are equally as good as their foreign counterparts. In fact, they are even better than their hyped and highly paid colleagues.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

TFF yampongeza Mkwasa

SHIRIKISHO la Soka Tanzania (TFF), limetuma salamu za pongezi kwa aliyekuwa Kocha Msaidizi wa Yanga, Charles Mkwasa ‘Master’ kwa kupata nafasi ya kuwa msaidizi wa Mholanzi Hans van Pluijm katika...


9 years ago

Raia Mwema

Mkwasa ametuma salamu TFF

KAMA ulikuwa miongoni mwa watazamaji Jumamosi ya wiki iliyopita katika Uwanja wa Taifa jijini Dar

Mwandishi Wetu


9 years ago


TFF yamtaka Mkwasa kusuka, kunyoa

SHIRIKISHO la Soka Tanzania (TFF) limemtaka kocha wa muda wa timu ya taifa Taifa Stars Charles Mkwasa kufanya maamuzi kama atabaki kuwa kwenye timu hiyo ama Yanga. TFF ilimpa Mkwasa nafasi ya kuwa kocha wa muda wa Stars baada ya kumfuta kazi Mart Nooij Julai mwaka huu.


10 years ago


MTAZAMO: TFF inataka mafanikio ya mkato kwa Mkwasa

Hakuna mtoto wa waziri anayecheza soka, hakuna mtoto wa mwanasheria anayecheza soka. Soka inachezwa na watu wanaotoka kwenye familia ambazo hazina maisha mazuri na hilo ndiyo daraja la kuelekea maisha mazuri.


11 years ago


Relax not, hiv still real

Virtually every adult Tanzanian knows that Aids, which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is for real and is a disease that has defied cure, three decades after it was first diagnosed in the US.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Well done TZ, but don’t relax

>Tanzania is in seventh position among 45 countries that have exhibited political commitment to tackling hunger and malnutrition across the world, according to the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index 2013 released on Wednesday.


10 years ago


Kudos as Z’bar town grows, but more must be done

Zanzibar Town is growing very fast. Its growth is so fast that I believe it beats the minds of the planners who have to plan its development in every aspect and take deliberate steps to guide such growth.


10 years ago

Daily News

Kudos to our soldiers on peacekeeping missions

Kudos to our soldiers on peacekeeping missions
Daily News
IN the final lap of our independence struggle in the late 1960s, the pioneer of the self-rule crusade, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, made an all-important message that still rings to this day. The message had underlined the country's resolve to ensure peace, love ...


9 years ago


PARENTING : So your teenager is sexting? Just relax

As we get older, we quickly forget what it was like to be young, don’t we? Like do you remember your teenage crushes? As a parent you hope your teenage daughters haven’t got there yet. But I promise you they have! All the way through from age 12 or 13. And the ones with boyfriends, or boys who’re interested in them, are sending sexy selfies and texts.



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