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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TNBC urges increased investment in education

TNBC urges increased investment in education
Daily News
THE private sector has been urged to continue investing in education to serve the ever growing number of youth in the country. The Executive Secretary of Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC), Eng. Raymond Mbilinyi, said education was one of ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


TNBC urges Njombe to use council

Officials at district level in Njombe Region have been urged to take advantage of a new regional business council to forge closer relations between private and public sectors and solve problems facing them. By doing so, they will be able to utilize opportunities surrounding them and play an active role in Tanzania’s development agenda.


10 years ago


LOCAL FEATURE: Rukwa prepares to make case for increased local investment

>Rukwa Region, located in south-western Tanzania 1,200 kilometres from the commercial capital Dar es Salaam, will throughout this week be in local and international headlines as it showcases its investment opportunities which are in abundance.


10 years ago


Pinda urges investment in honey

Arusha. Tanzania plans to increase production and output of bee products from approximately 19,000 tonnes of honey and 1,266 tonnes of wax to 138,000 tonnes of honey and 9,200 tonnes of wax.


11 years ago


Katumbi urges major investment in Africa

TP Mazembe president, Moise Katumbi, says African clubs need European-style investment in order to improve.


9 years ago


Zambia: Investment in Education to End Child Marriages

Zambia: Investment in Education to End Child Marriages
AS the country observes the 16 days of Gender activism which started on November 25 and ends on December 10 , it is important for all stake-holders to reflect on some of the measures that have been put in place to curb the scourge of Gender based ...
16 Days Activism focus on child educationDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Girl's Agenda takes campaign against gender-based violence to madrassasThe...


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Africa: Need for inclusive growth,adequate investment in education

>Africa, the second largest continent in size (land mass) and population (about one billion inhabitants), is the poorest of all continents in the world. Yet, the same Africa is said to have more natural resources now than any other continent.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Boost investment in Africa’s energy for a triple win for people, power and planet, Annan report urges


African governments, investors, and international financial institutions must significantly scale up investment in energy to unlock Africa’s potential as a global low-carbon superpower.

That is the main message of a new report from Kofi Annan’s Africa Progress Panel, Power, People, Planet: Seizing Africa’s Energy and Climate Opportunities ( The report calls for a ten-fold increase in power generation to provide all Africans with access to electricity by...


10 years ago


Official urges parents to invest in education

Parents and guardians have been advised to invest in their children’s education for the betterment of their future lives.


11 years ago

Daily News

Stakeholder urges corrective measures in education

Stakeholder urges corrective measures in education
Daily News
A GRADUATE in Master of Education, Curriculum Studies, at Mwenge University College of Education here, Ms Angelista Joseph, has stated that the enrichment and renewal of content and methods have increased the role of teachers and made it more ...



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