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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tz blocks Malawi from burning Sh12bn ivory

Tanzania on Friday successfully blocked Malawi from burning 2.6 tonnes of ivory worth Sh11.6 billion ($5.815 million) smuggled across the border, arguing the tusks would be used as evidence during prosecution against poaching suspects.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Tanzania stops Malawi burning ivory

Tanzania obtains a court order preventing Malawi from burning 2.6 tonnes of ivory, saying it needs to use the tusks as evidence for the prosecution of suspected poachers.


9 years ago

BBC News

Tanzania stops Malawi burning ivory stockpile

BBC News
Tanzania stops Malawi burning ivory stockpile
BBC News
Tanzania has blocked Malawi from burning 2.6 tonnes of ivory, saying it needs to use the tusks as evidence for the prosecution of suspected poachers. The nearly 800 tusks were intercepted by customs officials as they were being smuggled into Malawi ...
Tanzania blocks Malawi ivory burnNews24 Nigeria
Tanzania prosecutors seek court order to stop Malawi ivory burni24news
Tanzania obtains injunction against Malawi ivory burnNyasa Times

all 4


9 years ago

News24 Nigeria

Tanzania blocks Malawi ivory burn

News24 Nigeria
Tanzania blocks Malawi ivory burn
News24 Nigeria
Blantyre - Tanzania on Friday successfully blocked Malawi from burning 2.6 tonnes of ivory smuggled across the border, arguing the horns would be used as evidence during prosecution against poaching suspects. "We are disappointed because we were all ...
Tanzania prosecutors seek court order to stop Malawi ivory burni24news
Tanzania obtains injunction against Malawi ivory burnNyasa Times

all 3


9 years ago


Does burning actually destroy ivory?

Does burning elephant tusks actually destroy them?


9 years ago

The Maravi Post

Mutharika should not be bamboozled into burning Ivory without compensation ...

Mutharika should not be bamboozled into burning Ivory without compensation ...
The Maravi Post
Peter Mutharika and Saulos Chilima his Vice Malawi President Peter Mutharika is being lauded by Animal lovers in the west and their Governments for the decision he made to burn confiscated Elephant Tusks. The decision caused heated debate.


9 years ago


Tanzania prosecutors seek court order to stop Malawi ivory burn

Tanzania prosecutors seek court order to stop Malawi ivory burn
Tanzania sought Friday to block Malawi from burning 2.6 metric tons of ivory smuggled across the border, arguing the horns would be used as evidence during prosecution against poaching suspects. "We were all set to burn the trafficked ivory on Friday ...
Tanzania obtains injunction against Malawi ivory burnNyasa Times

all 2


9 years ago


How Sh12bn bribery was pushed through

A meeting in the US between the then Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) boss Harry Kitilya and socialite Shose Sinare began the events that would lead to the Sh12 billion bribery scandal now at the centre of a government investigation, it has emerged.


9 years ago


The names behind Sh12bn bribery scandal

The faces behind the over Sh12bn ($6 million) bribe payout in a 2013 government loan deal can be revealed today.


9 years ago


Sh12bn water project inaugurated in Z’bar

Thousands of Zanzibar residents will now have access to clean and safe water, thanks to the completion of a project to drill 100 water wells.



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