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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TZ drops in governance survey

Tanzania has performed poorly in a new governance survey, thanks to the country’s reluctance to embark on sustainable and inclusive economic growth initiatives and low marks in the safety and rule of law categories.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


SURVEY: TZ drops 4 places in peace rankings

>As the 2014 Global Peace Index (GPI) indicates that the world is becoming less peaceful, Tanzania has dropped from the 55th place it occupied in 2013 and 2012 to 59th.


11 years ago


Is this a mark of good governance, mr mp?

Mr Victor Mwambalaswa, who is MP for Lupa, happens to be chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Energy and Minerals, an oversight body tasked with monitoring the operations of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and all its agencies.


11 years ago


Self-governance does not equal freedom of life

“Africans want justice, preferably from their own governments if they can and if not, from the international criminal court. The day when African court’s become independent, strong and can handle these cases, I think we will see fewer referrals to the ICC” - Kofi Annan.


11 years ago


CA must address key issues on governance

CA must address key issues on governance
For the past two months, Members of the Constituent Assembly have been discussing the Second Draft Constitution presented by retired Judge Joseph Warioba, which proposes the structure of governance – the most contentious of all matters. In these ...


10 years ago


Tanzania tumbles in governance index

>Tanzania performance in the 2014 Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance has tumbled—with the country dropping five places—from 10th position in 2012 to 15th in the latest index—that ranked 52 countries in Africa.


9 years ago


UN: Good governance vital in achieving SDGs

UN: Good governance vital in achieving SDGs
The Guardian Limited managing director Richard Mgamba (L) welcomes Alvaro Rodriguez, Resident Coordinator of the UN System in Tanzania, to the newspaper publishing company's offices in Dsm yesterday. The Resident Coordinator of the UN system in ...


9 years ago


Africa flatlining in 2015 governance index

Progress in African governance has hit a plateau, while more than a third of African countries are backsliding, an annual index measuring key development factors showed on Monday.


11 years ago

Daily News

Good governance remains bedrock of transformation

Daily News
Good governance remains bedrock of transformation
Daily News
WE in Tanzania and other people elsewhere in the world are now living witnesses to the collapse of authoritarian and unpopular regimes. If there is a political revolution going on throughout the world, it's what might be called the 'participation revolution' ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Arusha college launches degree in good governance

Arusha college launches degree in good governance
Daily News
STUDENTS from conflict- torn South Sudan are among the first batch of learners from around Africa undertaking the locally accredited BA degree in Governance and Development in Arusha. The Principal of MS-Training Centre for Development Cooperation, ...



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