
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TZ gets new political party, pledges wider democracy

A new political party has been born in Tanzania -- Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT). It was introduced yesterday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


New political party gets certification

The office of Registrar of Political Parties yesterday issued an interim registration to a new political party, the Tanzania Patriotic Front (TPF-Mashujaa).


10 years ago

Daily News

New political party comes aboard

New political party comes aboard
Daily News
THE Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Tanzania) party, was officially launched in Dar es Salaam with its leaders saying that the focus will be to set up policies and strategies targeting to alleviate poverty among Tanzanians. Speaking during the ...


11 years ago

Daily News

New political party 'poaches' members

New political party 'poaches' members
Daily News
THE new political party Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) has received over 90 new members from different political parties including Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA). Chadema top regional leaders including regional ...


11 years ago

Sabahi Online

New political party formed in Tanzania

New political party formed in Tanzania
Sabahi Online
A new political party, the Alliance for Change and Transformation (ACT), was launched in Dar es Salaam on Monday (March 3rd), Tanzania's The Citizen reported. Related Articles. Tanzanian President Kikwete reshuffles party secretariat · 67.7 billion shillings ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Tadea party engulfed by political turmoil

Tadea party engulfed by political turmoil
Daily News
TANZANIA Democratic Alliance (Tadea) has called upon the Registrar of Political Parties to intervene in the current standoff that has engulfed the party. Addressing a press conference on Sunday in Dar es Salaam, the TADEA Acting national chairman who ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Trademark battle averted as new political party changes name

Trademark battle averted as new political party changes name
Daily News
A PONTENTIAL trademark legal battle between Agriculture Council of Tanzania and newly formed political party, Alliance for Change and Transparency, has been averted after the latter changed its abbreviated name to ACT Wazalendo. The party's senior ...


9 years ago


Now police ban political party guards

Police have banned political party security groups during election campaigns, on voting date and during tallying of votes.


11 years ago


Media personnel cautioned over political party colours

Media personnel cautioned over political party colours
Media personnel have been warned against wearing political party related colours 's during election campaigns as doing so would be equal to violating the code of ethics of the profession and create a sense of biasness. A Community Media Specialist with ...


9 years ago


ELECTION SEASON FUN : Friend gives me political party before his death

Permit me to leak to you, probably the most stupid secret you’ve ever heard, and will probably never chance to hear before you go to heaven.



Magazeti ya Leo

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