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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


UNAIDS says women, girls still vulnerable to HIV due to gender inequality

UNAIDS says women, girls still vulnerable to HIV due to gender inequality  Jamaica ObserverHIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report  News24South Africa’s high HIV rate ramps up coronavirus fears  The Irish TimesWhat does ‘immunocompromised’ mean, and what should people at risk of coronavirus do?  Sacramento BeeView Full coverage on Google News

Jamaica Observer

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


More girls in sports can help address gender inequality

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania and other African countries have been challenged to increase investments in girls’ sport programmes as a sure way to improve gender and health equality.


5 years ago


UNAIDS calls for zero discrimination against women and girls

UNAIDS calls for zero discrimination against women and girls  UNAIDSUNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Deborah Birx as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator  UNAIDSView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


HIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report

HIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report  News24View Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


I survived gender inequality

Human beings are born with too much power in fulfilling the purpose of life. The upbringing is the major challenge on how one can unleash the inner power in making life more meaningful.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

UNAIDS, ASLM and Partners Launch Initiative to Improve HIV Diagnostics


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) ( have joined with global partners to launch the Diagnostics Access Initiative which calls for improving laboratory capacity to ensure that all people living with HIV can be linked to effective, high-quality HIV treatment services.

Partners in the initiative include UNAIDS, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), UNICEF,...


9 years ago

Financial Express Bangladesh

Holistic development: The issue of gender inequality

The Daily Star
Holistic development: The issue of gender inequality
Financial Express Bangladesh
Development not only connotes an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate or per capita income or the growing number of dazzling skyscrapers, but it also is related to social development, reduction in inequalities and ensuring of social ...
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based ViolenceThe Daily Star
Education: Protecting women by shaping their futureDaily News | The National Newspaper...


10 years ago


Kenya launches campaign against gender inequality

Kenya launches campaign against gender inequality
NAIROBI, (Xinhua) -- Kenya on Wednesday launched a solidarity movement that engages men and boys to end gender inequality in the country. The move is to help break the silence by raising voices and taking action whenever one gender's right is violated.
It's Time to Rise and RoarThe Star
Tamwa: Addressing GBV reduces HIV new infectionsIPPmedia
Why 16 Days of Activism Against GBV Must Make
Times of...


5 years ago


UNAIDS and China working together during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure that people living with HIV continue to get treatment

UNAIDS and China working together during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure that people living with HIV continue to get treatment  UNAIDS


11 years ago


Empower vulnerable girls

Prevention, we are all aware, is better that cure. Now when it comes to HIV, knowledge on preventive methods is the best arsenal that human beings need to fight the deadly virus.



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