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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


HIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report

HIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report  News24View Full coverage on Google News


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Jamaica Observer

UNAIDS says women, girls still vulnerable to HIV due to gender inequality

UNAIDS says women, girls still vulnerable to HIV due to gender inequality  Jamaica ObserverHIV infections for young women drop, but they are still vulnerable - report  News24South Africa’s high HIV rate ramps up coronavirus fears  The Irish TimesWhat does ‘immunocompromised’ mean, and what should people at risk of coronavirus do?  Sacramento BeeView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Kenya ranked fourth worldwide in HIV infections

>Kenya has the fourth highest number of Aids infections in the world. The HIV prevalence in the country stands at 1.6 million people, the ministry of Health revealed Wednesday.


11 years ago


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Depo-Provera’s HIV risk ‘mystery’

>The quest for truth among scientists about the controversial injectable, Depo-Provera, seems to be persistent three years after the World Health Organisation allayed public fears about the possible link of the popular contraceptive with the risk of HIV transmission.


9 years ago


Report shows port workers at higher risk of contracting HIV/Aids

The study  found that port communities have unique dynamics that impact on the HIV vulnerability of all community members, including commercial sex workers and mobile workers staying at the ports for relatively short period.


11 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Giant project empowers civil societies to combat HIV/Aids

>A five-year USAID-funded Building Organisational Capacity for Results (BOCAR) project in Tanzania has started paying dividends towards combating HIV/Aids in Tanzania. BOCAR project director Zahra Nensi spoke to The Citizen on Sunday Reporter LUCAS LIGANGA about the project. Excerpts…


5 years ago


Dolutegravir-based HIV treatment is the safest and most effective choice for pregnant women

Dolutegravir-based HIV treatment is the safest and most effective choice for pregnant women  aidsmap


9 years ago


Women and the young will decide TZ's future today

Finally, Election Day is here. From being the most unpredictable to significantly extraordinary—this of 2015 seems to be many things—including being an election of ‘’Firsts.’’ It’s the first—and in fact a historic election—for its oddity and campaign style.


10 years ago


Exceptional Women Have a Duty to Inspire the Young Generation

News Of Rwanda Group
Exceptional Women Have a Duty to Inspire the Young Generation
These past few days have been quite eventful in East Africa. The leaders retreat in Rwanda ended on a rather poignant note with President Paul Kagame stressing the need for Rwandan leaders to pull up their socks and not tolerate mediocrity. He talked ...
Tanzania & Kenya tourism officials set for crucial meetingeTurboNews
Rwanda, Tanzania Stabilize Diplomatic RelationsNews Of Rwanda Group
Kikwete zeal...



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